Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please tell us about Herbal Dishes of Chhattisgarh.

Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please tell us about Herbal Dishes of Chhattisgarh.

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Herbal dishes of Chhattisgarh, India. 107. Namkeen Phara.

Namkeen Phara is one of the popular Rice based dish in Chhattisgarh. To prepare this salty preparation, Chour Pisan (Rice flour) and Bhat (Cooked Rice) both are used. In early days when the medicinal rice varieties were under cultivation in Chhattisgarh, the traditional healers were using this dish in treatment of many common dishes. Now, this dish is prepared from the rice grains of high yielding varieties having poor medicinal values. This dish is still popular in the rural areas of Chhattisgarh. The natives of all age group consume this preparation with taste.

Material required: Chour Pisan, Bhat, Namak (Salt), Tel (Oil), Hara Mircha (Green Chilli), Hara Dhania (Green Coriander).

Method of Preparation: Chour Pisan , Namak, Hara Dhania, Hara Mircha and Bhat all are mixed thoroughly and the cylindrical shape is given to the combination. These cylindrical shaped Phara are cooked in steam upto 15-20 minutes. After cooking, a teaspoonful of Oil is taken in pan and cooked Phara are roasted well, till its colour changes into pinkish red. The hot Phara is served.

The natives of different parts of Chhattisgarh prepare Phara using different methods. To make it tastier, many spices are also added.
[It is Extended Summary .The full research paper is available with me.]

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