Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please suggest us Folk Medicines for management of Fever including Unexplained Fever.

Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please suggest us Folk Medicines for management of Fever including Unexplained Fever.

Thanks for your message. Best way is to search through Google by adding the subject with my name i.e. Pankaj Oudhia, you will get thousands of results like this one.

Some well known and promising traditional formulations and home remedies of Chhattisgarh, India needing scientific explanation. 270. Pipal Jadi Se Bukhar Ke Upchar.
Pankaj Oudhia
TITLE:- Pipal Jadi Se Bukhar Ke Upchar. The use of Ficus religiosa roots for fever.


METHOD OF USE:- The natives use the freshly collected roots as Herbal tooth brush.

INFORMATATION COLLECTED FROM Common use in all parts of Chhattisgarh.

REMARKS:- During brushing the natives swallow the juice. The use is continued upto many days till complete cure. It acts in miraculous way.

[Excerpts of the research document.]

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