Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please tell us about Medicinal plant Hadjod (Cissus).
Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please tell us about Medicinal plant Hadjod (Cissus). Thanks for your message. Best way is to search through Google by adding the subject with my name i.e. Pankaj Oudhia, you will get thousands of results like this one. Hadjod: A Promising Medicinal Crop for Coming Future. Pankaj Oudhia At international level many Hadjod based formulations are coming. Also many products are in pipeline and waiting for approval. In forests Hadjod is not present in bulk. The increasing demand will put much pressure on this population. In order to reduce the pressure on this herb its commercial cultivation is needed. In the field of medicinal crops the pioneers earn real profits although they have to face the risk also. Although Hadjod has yet not reached to the commercial nurseries as medicinal plant but many nurseries are coming with large numbers of plants. As the planting material is less available the rates are at peak. It is good opportunity for the nursery owners. ...