Q. I'm from France, i study Ayurveda and Chinese med. I work with others persons on a project. We try to collect seeds from med plants to build a seed bank and grow plant for study. We are looking for people to exchange seeds and information. If you are interested, let me know. I come in India this winter.

Q. I'm from France, i study Ayurveda and Chinese med. I work with others persons on a project. We try to collect seeds from med plants to build a seed bank and grow plant for study. We are looking for people to exchange seeds and information. If you are interested, let me know. I come in India this winter.

I suggest you to send your request at National Biodiversity Authority, 
ChennaiIndia with details of your project. You will get norms for procuring seeds for seed bank from there.

For your queries on Indian Medicinal and Aromatic crops you can write to Pankaj Oudhia at pankajoudhia@gmail.com  Please write "Consultation" as subject.


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