Kakun (Setaria italica) as medicinal herb in Chhattisgarh, India.

Kakun (Setaria italica) as medicinal herb in Chhattisgarh, India.

Pankaj Oudhia

Extended Summary

(For complete research document please visit pankajoudhia.com or write at pankajoudhia@gmail.com)

© Pankaj Oudhia

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According to reference literatures, Kakun or Italian millet is also known as Foxtail millet and German millet. It is generally grown as a rainfed crop in India. It is under cultivation in tribal belts of Chhattisgarh. The grains are utilized after cooking like rice. In many areas, the grains are ground to flour and used as chapaties. The grains are fed for cage birds. Botanically, Kakun is an annual with slender and erect stem. It grows to weight of 90-150cm and bends down with weight of earheads. Leaves narrow, flat; Inflorescence dense, cylindrical , bristly panicle 8-32 cm long, after arching towards the tip; there are one to four bristles at the base of each spikelet, these give the foxtail look to the panicle; seeds small, convex and enclosed in the hard inner glum and its palea. In Chhattisgarh, Kakun is under cultivation in limited areas as minor millet crop. Although it is not cultivated as medicinal crop but the natives and traditional healers of Chhattisgarh are aware of its medicinal properties and uses. In ancient literatures related to different systems of medicine in India, Kakun is mentioned as medicinal herb. According to Ayurveda, the plant is sweet and acrid, fattening, aphrodisiac and sedative to the gravid uterus. Through the ethnobotanical surveys conducted in different parts of Chhattisgarh , I have collected many valuable information on traditional medicinal uses of Kakun. I am giving the details in present article.

The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh instruct the patients having the problem of Pathri (Renal Calculi) to avoid the consumption of Kakun grains. According to them, it helps in development of Pathri. Although there is no reported work on effect of Homoeopathic drug prepared from Kakun grains, in treatment of Pathri but as a student of Homeoeopathy. I am aware that this drug, will be able to cure the problem of Pathri. Through this article. I would like to request the Homoeopaths, reading this article, to take the advantage of the valuable observation of our healers. The traditional healers use Kakun in treatment of Dysuria, alone (in normal cases) and in combination with other herbs (in complicated cases). The healers of Southern Chhattisgarh recommend its cooked grains to the patients having the problem of diarrhoea. In combination of Ghee, the cooked grain is considered as boon to the patients having heart troubles. Its raw grains are used in combination with other herbs mostly grasses as sex tonic. In many popular herbal combinations, Kakun grains play an important role. Externally, in form of aqueous paste, the whole herb of Kakun is used in treatment of swellings. The herb before flowering is considered best for external use.

Another species of Setaria, Setaria glauca, occurs as wasteland and crop weed in almost every corner of Chhattisgarh. The farmers consider it as medicinal weed. Its local name is Bander poonchi. I have written a lot on this medicinal weed in my previous articles.

Due to introduction of new high yielding corps and varieties, now the area under this important crop is decreasing in the state. Not much work has been done on documentation of its traditional medicinal knowledge by the early workers. I have experienced many of the above mentioned traditional uses of this herb. I personally feel that through the detailed documentation work, this crop can be established as promising medicinal crop in Chhattisgarh. Through the articles in regional languages, I am trying my best to aware the natives specially the natives of young generation about traditional medicinal uses and health benefits of this herb. Thank you very much for reading the article .


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