तुम मुझे जगह दो, मै तुम्हारे ज्ञान को समृद्ध कर दूंगा

तुम मुझे जगह दो, मै तुम्हारे ज्ञान को समृद्ध कर दूंगा
- पंकज अवधिया
तो कल वही हुआ जिसका डर था। दुनिया के सबसे बडे और आधुनिक डेटाबेस मे से एक इकोपोर्ट के संस्थापक डाँ. पुटर ने कह ही दिया कि आपका बढता योगदान पूरे तंत्र के लिये खतरा बनता जा रहा है। इकोपोर्ट धीमा हो गया है और हम आपके आँकडो को सम्भाल नही पा रहे है। उन्होने बताया कि आपकी मधुमेह की वैज्ञानिक रपट की 40,000 तालिकाए ही सिस्टम को उलझा दे रही है और इसमे शामिल जडी-बूटियो की जानकारी 40 लाख से अधिक गूगल सर्च दिखला रही है। इससे गूगल को तो नही पर इकोपोर्ट को दिक्कत हो रही है। यही कारण है कि इकोपोर्ट मेरे शोध कार्यो को गूगल के माध्यम से नही दिखा पा रहा है और इस तरह यह उपयोगी शोध आम लोगो तक नही पहुँच पा रहा है। यह तो 40,000 तालिकाओ का हाल है जबकि आज ही मैने 55,000 के आँकडे को पूरा किया है। अभी तो 150,000 तालिकाए और जोडी जानी है।
डाँ. पुटर ने साफ शब्दो मे लिखा है कि आपकी इन तालिकाओ को दुनिया का और कोई डेटाबेस नही सम्भाल सकता और अब हमारी हालत खराब है। इसका अर्थ है अब मै अपनी गति धीमी करूँ। ऐसी ही बात मुझे कुछ वर्ष पहले बाँटेनिकल डाट काम से सुननी पडी थी जिन्होने मेरे 13,000 लेख शामिल करने के बाद हाथ खडे कर दिये। इन लेखो की सूची कल मैने कम्प्यूटर से निकाली तो कुल 1015 पन्ने निकले।
यह विडम्बना ही है कि भारत तो क्या दुनिया का कोई भी शोध संस्थान सामने नही आ रहा है मुझे सम्भालने। वे इकोपोर्ट की हालत देख रहे है। तो क्या मै इतना न लिखूँ? मैने तो केवल छत्तीसगढ के पारम्परिक ज्ञान की झलक दिखायी है। पूरे देश का ज्ञान कैसे समाहित कर पायेंगे ये डेटाबेस वाले समझ नही आता। इकोपोर्ट वालो की अपनी मजबूरी है। इस डेटाबेस मे एक लाख चित्र है जिनमे से 30,000 मैने दिये है। 50,000 से अधिक मेरे चित्र उनके पास कतार मे है। वे दिन-रात एक करके उसे शामिल कर रहे है। नये चित्र आते जा रहे है। कहते है कि मेरे लिये उन्होने पूरी टीम लगा रखी है। अब उनसे नाराज भी नही हुआ जा सकता।
तो प्रिय मित्रो आप और मेरा यह ब्लाग इस बात का गवाह है कि मै ज्ञान बाँटने के लिये जगह के लिये भटक रहा हूँ और कोई मुफ्त मे भी इसे रख पाने मे असमर्थ दिख रहा है। आप ही राह सुझाये।

Updated Information and Links on March 09, 2012

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Luffa cylindrica (L.) M.J. ROEM. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Nose- coryza .
Luffa echinata ROXB. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- thoughts, persistent, walking, on .
Luffa tuberosa ROXB. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Nose- catarrh, post nasal .
Lycianthes laevis (DUNAL) BITTER and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Nose- catarrh .
Lycopersicon esculentum MILL. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- thoughts, rapid, quick, etc. .
Lycopodium cernuum L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Hearing, lost .
Lygodium flexuosum (L.) SW. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- thoughts, thoughtful .
Lygodium microphyllum (CAV.) R.BR. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Hearing, impaired, leaf or membrane, like, before the ear .
Macaranga denticulata (BL.) MUELL.-ARG. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- thoughts, wandering .
Macaranga indica WIGHT and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Hearing, acute, Perspiration- during .
Macaranga peltata (ROXB.) MUELL.-ARG. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Hearing, acute, noises, to .
Madhuca indica GMEL. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Hearing, acute, music, to .
Madhuca longifolia (KOEN.) MACLER and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Hearing, acute, heat, during .
Magnolia grandiflora (MOC. & SESSE) EX DC. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- timidity .
Malachra capitata L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Hearing, acute .
Malaxis rheedei SW. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- worms, sensation of .
Mallotus philippensis (LAM.) MUELL.-ARG. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- water, sensation of, hot, in left ear .
Malpighia glabra L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- timidity, about going to bed .
Malvastrum coromandelianum GARCKE and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- swelling, inside (meatus) .
Mangifera indica L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- swelling .
Manilkara hexandra (ROXB.) DUBARD and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- stopped sensation, left .
Manilkara zapota (L.)VAN ROYEN and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- stopped sensation .
Marsdenia tenacissima (ROXB.) MOON and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, tearing in, below the ear .
Marsdenia tinctoria R. BR. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- touched, aversion to being .
Marsilea minuta L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, tearing in, left .
Martynia annua L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, tearing in .
Maytenus emarginata (WILLD.) DING and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- unconsciousness .
Maytenus senegalensis (LAM.) EXELL. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, stitching, in, yawning, when .
Mazus pumilus (BURM.F.) VAN STEENIS and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, stitching, in, air, open, agg. .
Medicago lupulina L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Mind- unconsciousness, evening .
Medicago polymorpha L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, stitching, in, right .
Medicago sativa L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, stitching, in .
Melastoma malabathricum L. and Cassia tora L. (Syn. Senna tora; Charota or Chakvad) with other Herbal Ingredients: Research Documents (Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Ear- pain, soreness, external ear .


इतना सारा लिखने-कहने को है! यह बहुत इम्प्रेसिव लगता है।
सृजन-सम्मान द्वारा आयोजित सर्वश्रेष्ठ साहित्यिक ब्लॉग पुरस्कारों की घोषणा की रेटिंग लिस्‍ट में आपका ब्लाग देख कर खुशी हुई। बधाई स्वीकारें।
Raag said…
Can you submit your articles in medical journals? These journals are readily searchable and obviously reputable. I wrote only two papers yet and submitted to journals and after they are published, they are searchable by everybdoy.

I am not sure if it will take care of your problem or part of problem.
Pankaj Oudhia said…
Thanks Raag for your comments and suggestions. I have published over 100 research papers in journals of national and international repute but in general international journals charge page charge as well as subscription fees. Also they perform much edit and change the language as per their rules. Many times edited material is used in wrong way specially when you submit papers on cancer or AIDS drugs. That is why I avoid publishing it in medical journals.
akumarjain said…
I think you should make a site of your own for this vast knowledge of yours. Recently, wordpress.com has increased it's free space to 3GB for all it's free account holders. Besides, I may also be of some help. If you feel like please contact me.

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