Some Promising Traditional Medicinal Uses of Common in Herbs Chhattisgarh India, Noted from My Grandfather’s Diary

Some Promising Traditional Medicinal Uses of Common in Herbs Chhattisgarh India, Noted from My Grandfather’s Diary

Research Note - Pankaj Oudhia © 2001,2002,2003 Pankaj Oudhia - All Rights Reserved 

My grandfather Shri Purshattam Lal Oudhia was having rich traditional medicinal knowledge and uses of common herbs, insects, mites and soils. In my previous articles specifically in articles related to Rani Keeda (Red velvet mite; Trombidium), I have written a lot about his in depth knowledge. Although he was not the practising traditional healer, but in case of emergencies, the villages always prefer to consult him. In case of snake or scorpion bites, according to villagers of his time, the patients always visit to him for first aid. He has passed majority of his life in village Khudmudi where farming was our main business. Like me , he was also having deep interest in herbs and insects. In his personal diary, he has written many such uses. His diary is a valuable document for researchers like me, engaged in documentation of traditional knowledge. As my grandfather was passed away during my childhood, unfortunately I got no opportunity to interact with him about his knowledge. My father is Geologist and has nothing to do with herbs. My grandfather’s diary has motivated me and created the interest in traditional knowledge. In present article, I am describing traditional medicinal uses of common herbs that were in existence during his time. In many places, he has written the sources from where he had gathered the information. For Hathipav (filaria) disease, common in Chhattisgarh in past, the use of Andi (Castor) is mentioned. As treatment, it is given with cow urine upto one month. It is written that within month, it can cure this trouble. In case of Kamar dard (lumbago), the use of Andi with cow milk is mentioned. For preparation of drug, the seeds are peeled and boiled in one litre of milk. When it becomes pure Khova (Mava), it is given to patients. According to this diary, this preparation is also useful in treatment of paralysis and sciatica. The half paw (125 gms.) seeds are used. The external use of Andi Tel (Castor oil) is also mentioned in case tetanus. Andi is a common herb in Chhattisgarh. Natural occurrence of Andi is reported. It is also under cultivation. Kuchla is a popular non-wood forest produce of Chhattisgarh. Its scientific name is Strychnos vomica (family : Loganiaceae). Its use in case of Bavasir (Piles) is mentioned. It is applied with cow’s ghee, externally on piles in order to reduce the intense pain. Chhattisgarh is well known for dense natural vegetation of Khair (Acacia catechu; family Leguminoseae) trees. The names of many villages are based on this tree viz. Khairagarh. Khairjhinti etc. The use of Khair bark as herbal tooth powder is mentioned. According to the diary, the regular use of this tooth powder prevents the attack of dental troubles and also destroys the germs. The bark is dried and converted into powder. According to another method, one can boil the barks in oil preferably in Sarson Ka Tel (Mustard oil) and use it like tooth paste. During my Ethnobotanical surveys in different parts of Chhattisgarh, I observed that this use is still in practice in Chhattisgarh. This is good sign. For treatment of Pelea or Pelia (jaundice), the use of Neem bark juice with pure honey is mentioned. This combination should be given twice a day to the patients. For treatment of Gathia (gout), the Neem leaf juice with pure honey is mentioned. Onion is in use as vegetable and medicinal herb in Chhattisgarh since generations. It is specially recommended for the patients suffering from gynaecological troubles. Piyaz Bhaji (the vegetable prepared from onion) is very popular in Chhattisgarh. In this diary, the use of Onion juice in earache is mentioned. The lukewarm juice should be applied inside the ears for quick relief. Its use in epistaxis (nose bleed) is also described. The use of Bach (Acorus calamus) for the treatment of Mirgi (Epilepsy) is described. The powdered rhizome with honey should be taken upto one month. During the period of treatment, one should take only milk and Chawal (rice) as meal. In case of acidity, it should be given with gud or pure honey for immediate relief. Bemchi grows as common weed in rabi (winter) crop fields of Chhattisgarh. For the natives it is a valuable herb. I have written a lot on traditional medicinal uses, botany and reported medicinal uses of this so called weed. I was not aware of its use as potherb. From the diary, I have got this information for the rst time. In my surveys on pot herbs, I have not got any information about its use as pot herb. Unfortunately at present very few natives are aware. According to the diary, the vegetable prepared from Bemchi leaves should be mixed with curd and juice of Anar (Pomegranate). This preparation is recommended for dysentery. The use of leaves in case of painful boils is also mentioned. The leaves should be applied on boils externally. Bhengra (Eclipta alba) is a common weed in rice fields of Chhattisgarh. It is lso under cultivation in many parts of India as medicinal crop. It is one of the most frequently used herb in different popular combinations. Various Ethnobotanical surveys conducted by me in different parts of Chhattisgarh revealed that the natives and traditional healers of state have rich traditional medicinal knowledge about Bhengra. The uses of Bhengra in treatment of acidity and to avoid abortion are described in this diary. For acidity ,its use with Harra (Terminalia bellirica) and gud is mentioned. In order to avoid abortion, it should be given with cow milk. Seeing my articles and research papers on net, many students and their parents regularly contact me to suggest promising (side effect free) herbal memory tonics. In this diary, I have got mation about use of Pen herb (Celastrus paniculata) as memory tonic. The herbal oil prepared from Pen should be taken with cow’s ghee. In diary, the use of two to ten drops of oil is mentioned, (When two and when ten drops, it is not mentioned). The use of Pen leaves as potherb is also mentioned. It is useful in gynaecological disorders. The use of lason (Garlic) juice in treatment of Rataundhi (night blindness) is mentioned. According to this diary, one or two drops of juice, if applied upto a week can root out the problem. Munga (drumstick) is also a common tree in Chhattisgarh. The use of juice of Munga leaves internally is mentioned in treatment of Bavasir (Piles). The use of decoction prepared from leaves is described useful in treatment of intestinal worms. The decoction is given with pure honey, Sarpgandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) occurs naturally in dense forests of Chhattisgarh. It is also under cultivation as medicinal crop. The use of its valuable roots in treatment of hysteria is described. Very little quantity with rose water should be given internally. The duration of treatment is not described. The use of Dhikuar (Aloe vera) with Haldi (Turmeric) in treatment of diseases of Tilli (Spleen) is mentioned. In treatment of Pelea, Haldi is used with curd (Dahi) internally. The traditional uses of Indrayan are also well written in this diary. In treatment of jaundice, its root powder should be taken with gud whereas the fruit pulp with fresh cow urine is useful in treatment of Bahiyapana (Insanity). The use of Indrayan roots, for boils and wounds in breasts is also mentioned. The aqueous paste should be applied externally in affected parts. Indrayan (Citrullus colocynthis family Cucurbitaceae) is an important non-wood forest produce of Chhattisgarh. The aluable medicinal properties and uses of Indrayan are reported in reference literatures related to different systems of medicine in India. The use of Dhania powder (whole herb of Coriander) in treatment of urinogenital diseases is also mentioned. It should be given with water. Pudina (Mentha sp.) is common herb in home gardens. The natives generally plant this herb near to the drainage canal of kitchen. After one time planting, it spreads and flourishes well round the year. The natives use it as culinary herb. Also they have rich traditional medicinal knowledge about its uses. In the diary, the use of dry powder of Pudina in treatment of gynaecological disorders is described. The use of herbal tea prepared from Pudina leaves is also mentioned for same trouble. For treatment of Tonsillitis, one should gargle with the decoction of Babool (Acacia nilotica) bark. According to this diary, regular gargling can cure the trouble of tonsillitis forever. Satyanashi (Argemone mexicana) is a common herb in the state. The oil of Satyanashi seeds is considered toxic and even lethal by many experts. Many businessmen use Satyanashi seeds as adulterate in mustard seeds. According to reports, this adulteration is harmful and therefore, it is banned. For the natives and traditional healers of Chhattisgarh, the oil of Satyanashi seeds is very valuable as medicine. In my previous articles, I described many traditional uses of this herbal oil. In the diary, I got another use. The oil mix with milk is recommended in treatment of nity. Its use in treatment of dog bite is also mentioned in this diary. In this treatment, it is used with Kali Mirch and Mathha (Whey). After reading the diary sincerely many questions came in my mind but unfortunately my grandfather is not with us now. I will describe more uses in my future articles. I personally feel that this diary is a valuable asset for us. In Chhattisgarh, there are many information available among natives and traditional healers. I am trying my best for the scientific documentation. I am satisfied as contents of my grandfather diary are now in documented form. Thank you very much for reading the article


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