Beneficial effects of Biochemic drug Natrum mur on germination and seedling vigor of rice

Beneficial effects of Biochemic drug Natrum mur on germination and seedling vigor of rice

Research Note - Pankaj Oudhia © 2001,2002,2003 Pankaj Oudhia - All Rights Reserved

Agrohomoeopathy is relatively a new branch of science. With the objective of eliminating the increasing health hazards and toxic effects of fast uses of phytomedicines (insecticides, nematicides, fungicides and herbicides) and fertilizers in the modern agriculture, a novel method of harnessing Homoeopathy in agriculture i.e. Agrohomoeopathy has been found useful (Sinha, 1998). The research works on use of Homoeopahtic and Biochemic drugs are in progress around the world (Oudhia et al 1998). The beneficial effects of Homoeopathic and Biochemic drugs on agricultural crops have been reported (Oudhia, 1999). Like human beings and animals, plants also respond to hygiene, sanitation and environment. Plants are also sensitive and form simple antibodies called phytolexins and have minor chances of immunization. These open the door of selection of a Homoeopathic medicines for plant patients just like human patients both for curative and prophylactic action (Sinha, 1998). In order to evaluate the effects of Biochemic drug Natrum mur on germination and seedling vigor of rice var. Mahamaya, an experiment under laboratory condition was carried out at Department of Agronomy, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, India during 1998-99. The two different potencies of Natrum mur i.e. 3x and 30x were selected for the experiment. Different concentrations (i.e. 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0%, respectively) of solutions containing Natrum mur were prepared by dissolving the globules in distilled water. The laboratory bioassay was done in 10 cm. dia. petridishes with sterile sand as substrate and distilled water as control. In each petridish, 50 seeds of rice were placed inside the sand and 25 ml. solution was applied as per treatment. No external watering was done during the course of investigation. The petridishes were kept in germinator at 25±2°C. The treatments were replicated for four times in Randomized k Design and repeated twice. The germination was recorded at 5 DAS and 9 DAS (Days After Sowing) and root and shoot elongation of seedling at 9 DAS. Different concentrations of Natrum mur produced significant effect on germination and seedling vigor of rice var. Mahamaya. At 5 DAS, maximum germination (64.6%) was observed in case of 0.25% Natrum mur 30 x that was at par with germination produced by 1.0% Natrum mur 30 x. 1.0% Natrum mur 3x lowered the germination to the minimum. At 9 DAS, 0.25% Natrum mur 3x resulted in maximum germination (86.0%) whereas lowest germination was noted under control (water). All concentrations of Natrum mur irrespective to its potencies produced stimulatory effects on germination as compared to control at 9 DAS. 0.5% Natrum mur 3 and 30 x and 0.25% Natrum mur 3x were resulted in comparable germination with maximum germination. In case of root elongation, 0.5% Natrum mur 3x produced maximum elongation (6.8cm.). All concentrations (except 0.5% Natrum mur 30x) including control (water) resulted in comparable elongation with 0.5% Natrum mur 3x. In case of shoot elongation, maximum shoot elongation (14.0 cm) was noted under 0.25% Natrum mur 30x. 0.25% Natrum mur 30x and 1.0% Natrum mur 3x resulted in lowest root and shoot elongation, respectively. Natrum mur., a common biochemic drug, is basically of potensized sodium chloride. Beneficial effects of sodium on plant growth have been reported (Tisdale et al 1985). Beneficial effects of many other biochemics drugs on crops have also been reported. For instance, the use of Biochemic drug Kali mur 12x increases the fruit size of mango and productivity of marigold flowers (Sinha 1998). The present study indicated the possibilities of utilizing some promising concentrations of Natrum mur like 0.25% Natrum mur 3x as pre sowing soaking treatment of rice seeds in order to promote the germination and early seedling vigor. 0.25% Natrum mur 3x resulted in maximum germination and relatively higher root and shoot elongation, such beneficial effects of simple salt solution have not been observed in early studies. Early germination and seedling vigor of rice crop is essential in rainfed areas and for achieving this target Natrum mur seems to be one of the promising stimulators. References Oudhia, P. (1999). Application of Homoeopathic and Biochemic drugs in crop production: A Review In: Abstract. National Seminar on Homoeopathy, IHO, Raipur 27-28 Feb. p. 3. Oudhia, P., Joshi, B.S. and Koshta, V.K. (1998). The possibilities of preparing Homoeopathic drugs from the obnoxious weeds of Chhattisgarh. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 13 (1/2) : 54-57. Sinha, K.P. (1998). The role of Homoeopathy in Agriculture. In: Extended Summaries. First International Agronomy Congress, Indian Society of Agronomy, N.Delhi, p. 603. Tisdale, Samuel, L., Nelson, W.L. and Beaton, J.D. (1985) In : Soil fertility and fertilizers. Pbl. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, p. 89


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