Aphrodisiacs of Chhattisgarh : Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs used as Sex Tonic in Chhattisgarh, India

Aphrodisiacs of Chhattisgarh : Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs used as Sex Tonic in Chhattisgarh, India 


Research Note - Pankaj Oudhia © 2001,2002,2003 Pankaj Oudhia - All Rights Reserved

The traditional healers and natives of Chhattisgarh have rich traditional medicinal knowledge about common herbs used as aphrodisiac. During my Ethnobotanical surveys in different parts of the state, I have collected the formation about 1000 herbs used as aphrodisiac. A lot have been written on few herbs like Kevatch (Mucuna pruriens), Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), Patal Kumhda (Pueraria turberosa), Asgandha (Withania somnifera), Dasmool (Asparagas racemosus) etc. In reference literatures, it is mentioned that only these herbs possess aphrodisiac properties and without these herbs any herbal combination is incomplete and ineffective. This is the reason most of the Indian pharmaceutical companies prepare herbal combinations using these limited herbs. The common people are also aware of these limited herbs and just seeing its name in label (of packet), they are ready to pay the high cost. In India, due to malpractice of adulteration, this is hard to believe that any herbal combination contains real and genuine herbs. As herb expert, I got opportunities to visit many leading pharmaceutical companies but what I have observed is difficult to write. From collection of herbs to packaging, many irregularities exist. Most of the manufactures are not having well equipped laboratories to maintain the quality. These manufacturers and dependent on commission agents for supply of herbs. Common Indian Names of Kali Musli (Curculigo orchoides) Languages/Regions Names 1) Gujarati Kali Musli 2) Hindi Kali Musli, Mushalikand 3) Kanarese Neltari godde, Nelodati 4) Marathi Kali Musali 5) Sanskrit Bhoomotala, Dirghakandika, Talamulika, Musali The purchasing managers are not aware of correct identification of herbs. They have no idea to judge the adulteration. It is common practice in the country, that in white root powder of Safed musli, the adulteration of chalk powder is done. You will be surprised to know that you will find this chalk powder in many products, based on Safed musli, available for sale in open markets. These irregularities are responsible for poor effects of herb based products including aphrodisiacs. The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh use these herbs less frequently because according to them there are many cheap and promising alternatives to these herbs and another reason is that the popularity of these limited herbs have made these herbs as the herbs of rich natives. In Chhattisgarh, the natives and traditional healers are using many common herbs, both internally and eternally, as aphrodisiac successfully. During surveys. I got information on many herbal combinations applied on body in form of paste in order to attract the females. There are many herbs recommended for the special bath in order to attract the females during routine life. The herb based lipsticks were very popular in early days. Also, there are specific Dataun (Herbal Tooth Brushes) recommended specially for the youths, in order to get sex power. The natives use these Datauns at specific period not round the year as the pharmaceutical companies recommend in its products. Along with herbs, many common insects and mites are also used as aphrodisiac in Chhattisgarh. Rani keeda (Red velvet mite; Trombidium) is one of them. The healthy queen of Termites is also considered as aphrodisiac in Chhattisgarh. As I always write in my articles that young generations are taking less interest in traditional practices, the valuable knowledge is not transferring to next generation. Hence, there is a strong need to document this valuable knowledge before further loss. These days whole world is eager to know the herbs for hair, skin and sex. Fortunately, the traditional healers and natives are specialized in using herbs useful for hair, skin and sex. In this article, I am describing some herbs used as aphrodisiac in Chhattisgarh. These herbs are poor man’s sex tonic and easily available. The methods of preparation are also simple and most of the combinations can easily be prepared at home. Some special combinations, having more potential, are prepared by the healers without disclosing the secret formula and methodology. Common Indian Names of Satavar (Asparagus sp.) Languages/Regions Names 1) Gujarati Satavari 2) Hindi Satavari, Shatavari 3) Kanarese Satamulika, Satavari, Siprimuli 4) Marathi Asual Shatavari 5) Sanskrit Shatavari, Svetmuli, Svadurasa I am also describing these secret formulas because no one in the state have time to understand these formulas and methodologies. In Durg region of Chhattisgarh plains, the use of oil prepared from Jonk (leech) is very popular. Like preparation of other herbal oils, its preparation is very easy. The natives collect the leach from dabris and boil it in Til oil (Sesamum). When water evaporates, oil is collected and kept for future use. This oil is applied externally on male genitals before intercourse. Many natives using this oil complained that the regular use of this oil causes irritation and small blisters. When I discussed this problem to the traditional healers, they replied that they are aware of these troubles. As solution, they recommend the addition of some dried herbs in this oil. Gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus, whole herb) is one of these herbs. The healers also told me that the natives do not follow the standard method of oil preparation. The standard method is to boil a big leech in Adha Paw (250 ml) of Til oil in order to make the oil more stronger and effective (?), the natives boil two to three leeches in this small amount of oil. The result is irritation and small blisters. When I discussed the use of Jonk oil as aphrodisiac, with the traditional healers of Bastar region, they suggest another method of preparation. In this method, the leach is dried and this dried leech in combination with other herbs is boiled in Til oil. Many healers recommend the use of Sarson Tel (Mustard oil in place of Til oil. The natives of Bagbahera region of Chhattisgarh, use white flowered Dhatura herb as aphrodisiac. The method of preparation is very tedious and require lot of patience. The whole herb is collected and juice is extracted by crushing the herb with the help of stones. About half litres (Two glassful) of juice is collected to prepare the herbal oil. After collection the natives dip a piece of cloth in juice and the juice with a piece of cloth is kept as such for 30 days. After 30 days, they lukewarm the Til oil in separate vessel. The piece of cloth having dried juice of Dathura herb is then burnt and drops of juice are allowed to mix in lukewarm Til oil. This medicated til oil is used as aphrodisiac. Many natives boil the piece of cloth in Til oil in order to get more strong effect. According to the traditional halers of the region, the first method is appropriate. This medicated Til oil is applied on male genitals daily. This oil causes no irritation and blisters. This is surprising to note that white flowered Dhatura is preferred as compared to black flowered Dhatura for preparation of these herbal oil. In general, black flowered Dhatura is considered superior medicinally as compared to white flower Dhatura. The natural occurrence of black flowered Dhatura is reported in Bagbahera region. Dhatura is a common wasteland plant in Chhattisgarh. Although it is considered as weed by weed scientists, but for natives and traditional healers, it is a valuable and frequently used herb in different herbal combinations. I am describing its botany and reported medicinal uses, I have noted from reference literatures. Botanically, it is a shrub having height up to 70cm; some what zig - zag, divaricately branched; Leaves ovate, acute, entire or with large teeth or lobes, usually pubescent, very unequal at the base; Flowers purple outside, white inside, double solitary, long, tubular, funnel-shaped, 18 cm long; limb with five or six deltoid lobes, and a short tail in the middle of each intervening sinus; Fruits capsule, nodding, sub globose, green, covered with straight sharp pickles; Seeds many, packed, yellowish brown. According to Ayurveda, seeds are acrid, bitter, heating, tonic, febrifuge, alexiteric, anthelmintic, emetic whereas whole plant is narcotic and toxic (?) . In many parts of Chhattisgarh, the natives use indigenous species of Marigold, Chandaini Gona (Tagetes erecta) as aphrodisiac. They use the matured seeds with sugar during flowering season . Stored seeds are not used for this purpose. The traditional healers of Mahasamund region use common herb Duddhi (Euphorbia hirta) as aphrodisiac. Duddhi is wasteland weed in Chhattisgarh, hence it is considered as " Poor Man’s tonic." For use, the whole herb is collected and dried in shade. After drying powder is prepared and this powder is mixed with cow’s fresh milk and globules are prepared. The natives take these globules daily four hours before intercourse. Only small quantity is taken as medicine. Overdose may cause diarrhoea. The traditional healer of Durg region prepares a special herbal combination using high value herbs like Kali musli, Shatavar (Dhikuar) Kevatch seeds (Mucuna), Pen seeds (Malkangni), Untkatara roots (Echinops echinatus) etc. for his rich patients. These herbs are mixed in equal proportion and given with milk. I have seen a queue of patients in front of his home. He is well known in the region for his formulations. Unlike other traditional healers, he charges very high fees to the patients. When I discussed him, he informed that he charges no fees from poor patients. His fees is negligible for the rich patients and according to him higher the fees, (the rich patients consider), better will be the herbal combination. Singhara is common aquatic plant in Chhattisgarh. It is also under cultivation and natives take big ponds on lease for cultivation of this commercial crop. The natives of Chhattisgarh, prepare special sweet dish (Halwa) from Singhara fruits. They are aware of its aphrodisiac properties. This sweet dish is served to newly married couples and they recommend its regular use up to one year of marriage. During fast (Upwas), the natives use this sweet dish as tonic. They prepare many dishes from this fruit. Raw fruits are also eaten. It is common belief in Chhattisgarh, that the use of raw fruits, root out the problem of tonsillitis and the Iodine deficiency of human body. Boiled fruits are also in use. During growing season, the local markets are flood with Singhara and both poor and rich natives eat these fruits. The scientific name of Singhara is Trapa bispinosa (Family Onagraceae). May villages in Chhattisgarh are named on Singhara. These village names clearly indicate that since generation Singhara is in use in Chhattisgarh . Singhara as medicinal herb holds a reputed position in different systems of medicine in India. According to Ayurveda, the fruits are cooling, aphrodisiac, astringent to bowels, antipyretic, appetiser and useful in treatment of leprosy, burning sensation, fatigue, inflammation, blood disorders, urinary discharges, biliousness, stangury, fractures, erysipelas, pain, thirst, sorethroat, bad breath, toothache, fever, lumbago etc. The Chana dal (Chickpea as pulse) is very popular and integral part of daily diet in Chhattisgarh. The Chana dal is also used as aphrodisiac. The uncooked dal is dipped in water at night and next morning it is taken with honey. According to the traditional healers of Chhattisgarh, the use of ked dal is good sex tonic but it is wrong to say that it is only a sex tonic. They recommend its use to the natives of all age groups. According to them, the regular use of this dal adopting this method, develops enough resistance in body to fight with diseases. This is also beneficial for the patients suffering from diabetes. The natives using Chana dal informed that it is effective but requires more time and patience, as compared to other alternatives. During my visit to Jagdalpur region last month, I got information on use of roots of Munga (Moringa oliefera) and Parsa (Butea monosperma) as aphrodisiac. Both herbs are used separately. Aik paw (250 gms.) of dried Parsa roots are boiled in three litres of water. When half quantity of water is evaporated, the patients or natives are advised to eat the roots with leachate in order to become sexually more potential. According to the natives, one time use in a whole year is sufficient for any person. The roots of wild species of Munga is preferred to prepare a decoction. High yielding cultivated species are avoided by the natives. The procedure is same as in case of Parsa. But it is slow acting decoction. The natives suggest its regular use (once in a day) up to six months, and never repeat it whole life. e of Parsa and Munga roots as aphrodisiac is not well described in reference literatures. I personally feel that there is a strong need to evaluate its efficacy scientifically. The natives of Bastar region, serve specially cooked (or prepared) rice to newly married couples. Desi varieties (indigenous rice varieties) are preferred in this preparation. During cooking, they add the fresh juice of Punarnava herb. According to the natives, this medicated rice is good sex tonic. The traditional healers of Chhattisgarh plains are also aware of this medicinal preparation. They add more herbs in this preparation in order to make it more potential but they avoid to disclose these extra herbs. I am not describing the botany and reported uses of Punarnava in this article, as I have already described it in my previous articles. Beside these internal uses, the natives and traditional healers recommend and use, many herbs alone and in combination with other herbs, externally. These combinations are in oil or paste form and applied on male genitals for different purposes viz. to increase the retention time, to get delayed ejaculation, to get more pleasure etc. This is very difficult to categorized different formulations and combinations according to specific purposes as combination have multipurpose uses. I am describing many such promising combinations , I have noted during my Ethnobotanical surveys. The use of herbal oil prepared from common weed Bhatkatiya and black scorpion is very common in Chhattisgarh. The Bhatkatiya herb (Solanum xanthocarpum; family : Solanaceae) before flowering is collected. One big and black scorpion is also collected. Both herb and scorpion are boiled in base oil and when all watery contents evaporate, oil is kept for future use. In rainy days, the natives add Rani keeda, (Red velvet mite, Trombidium sp.) along with Bhatkatiya and scorpion. In Bastar region of Chhattisgarh, the Red ants, common in mango trees, are used in place of Rani Keeda. They avoid to use both Rani Keeda and Red ant in e combination. They are not aware of reason but I am sure the researchers can answer this question after scientific studies. The oil is applied externally on male genital one hour prior to inter course. Its popularity in Chhattisgarh, clearly indicates its efficacy. As all basic ingredients are commonly available and method of preparation is very simple, the natives prepare and use it very frequently. Although it is common belief in Chhattisgarh that regular use of Baigan (Solanum melongena) as vegetable darkens the face colour (Please refer to my previous article on Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs used in face care in Chhattisgarh, India), but as aphrodisiac they use the fruits in different ways, very frequently. The natives collect the fresh fruit wrap it in Kanhar soil collected from rice fields. This fruits is kept inside the hot ash up to two hours. After this the juice is extracted. In the mean time, they collect the fresh Pipal (Ficus religiosa) leaf and dip it in Baigan juice three days. After three days, this leaf is crushed into powder and this powder is mixed with pure honey. This combination is applied externally on male genitals. In another method, the fully matured yellow Baigan fruits are collected.. In each fruits, 60 Pipal leaves are pierced and fruit is hanged with the help of Bamboo. After complete drying, it is boiled in base oil. At the time of boiling, the natives add freshly collected earthworms or Rani Keeda, as per availability. The oil is used in same way. It is general recommendation that use the oil up to fifteen days in order to get better results. The traditional healers of Bilaspur region, add the seeds of Mooli (Raphanus sativus) in order to make the oil more potential). The above mentioned traditional medicinal knowledge is valuable and still in use in different parts of Chhattisgarh. With the help of these formulations, the state government can develop many small cottage industries and can play a vital role in marketing and promotion of these formulation. Thank you very much for reading the article.


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