Harvesting, Processing and Trading of wonder crop Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) : My research and experience

Harvesting, Processing and Trading of wonder crop Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) : My research and experience 


Research Note - Pankaj Oudhia © 2001,2002,2003 Pankaj Oudhia - All Rights Reserved 

Although for the traders, the roots of Safed Musli are valuable part but for the traditional healers and natives of Chhattisgarh, India, its leaves are also important. They use it as pot herb. Its use in form of vegetable is very common and popular in almost every part of Chhattisgarh. The traditional healers and natives of different parts use the fresh leaves in different ways. The natives use the s as potherb because of its unique taste. According to the traditional healers, this potherb posses unique medicinal properti and in many cases, this is more useful as compared to roots. The use of Musli leaves as potherb is also popular in Musli belts of other parts of India, but its medicinal uses have not been reported. The healers informed me that for the treatment of specific diseases, they collect the leaves by adopting special worship ceremonies. I personally feel that there is a need for detailed scientific studies on this important aspect. The traditional healers and natives use both fresh and dry leaves of Musli. As this article is first written document having details of Musli leaves utilization, I am sure that this article will motivate the herb traders and collectors to earn additional income from this valuable herb. The traditional healers of Bastar region informed me that the use of Musli leaves in combination with other herbs, makes the human body enough resistant against the attack of sex related diseases. It is also used as medicine to delay the menopause, by the healers. Although the healers are aware of introduced species of Safed Musli in Chhattisgarh but they prefer the use of native species for the preparation of herbal combinations. The herb collectors collect the Musli roots from forest at very immature stage. We can not blame them for this premature collection. If you have ever seen the Musli plant, you must have observed that within three to four months after germination its life cycle complete and after fall or decaying of matured leaves, it is very difficult to locate the presence of Safed Musli herb inside the soil, from ground level. It is common belief among scientific community that it is mere impossible to locate the Musli roots after the maturity and disappearance of aerial parts in forest floor having covered with fallen leaves of trees, and according to them, this is the reason the collectors collect it prematurely when the leaves are still visible. I have read many scientific publications and heard speeches by many experts, explaining this observation confidently. I was also having the same opinion. But when I visited the dense forests with tribal, in search of Safed Musli, I learnt in depth knowledge of tribal. I observed that even from the heavily covered forest floor, the tribal were spotting the points easily having Musli roots inside and when we started digging, we got the roots. This was my eye-opening experience. During my Ethnobotanical surveys in different parts of Chhattisgarh, I got opportunities to interact with the traditional healers specialized in use of Safed Musli. When I asked them why the herb collectors harvest the immature roots, in stead of the fact that they can dig it out even after maturity. The healers asked me ‘ Who told you that mature Musli should only be used for preparation of Medicine? How you can say it is not a mature one? I replied, I have read it in science journals. I was aware that there is no meaning of quoting the references published in journals in front of them .The healers told me that in most of the cases they use, this so called immature Musli, for the treatment and according to them, they are using if since generations. They further told me that the properties of this immature Musli differ from the matured ones. The traditional healers of Sarguja region, added that the Musli roots dug out at the end of rainy season are dug out at this particular time because the nature has made it for its use in this specific time. According to them, they never store the Musli harvested at the end of rainy season, for future use. The farmers engaged in commercial cultivation of Safed Musli wait for three or four months after disappearance of aerial parts. The crop planted in May-June is harvested in February. From commercial angle, this root seasoning is essential , as growers say. For national and international markets, they have to peel off and dry the fresh roots. For peeling, the skin of roots should be hard enough. Otherwise the fleshy parts of roots will come out with peels and these will be the big loss in terms of wastage. When farmers try to peel off the roots harvested at immature stage, due to immaturity, it is very difficult to peel the skin out without damaging the fleshy inside part. This problem is solved after three months long seasoning inside the soil. From commercial angle, this practice looks good but most of the traditional healers oppose the peeling of Musli roots. According to them there is no necessity for this operation, as they use whole roots (without peeling) for preparations of drugs. Like the roots, its skin is also valuable as medicine. Many buyers at international level are also convinced with this but the buyers at national level are not ready to purchase the roots having skin. Through this article, I would like to request the researchers to conduct research on this aspect to confirm the findings of the healers of Chhattisgarh. Their research findings will encourage and motivate the national buyers to purchase the whole ts. Their findings will also help to cut the long duration of this crop and after overcoming the problem of dormancy, the farmers will be able to take two to three Musli crops in a year. From several websites based on this wonder crop available on net, the Safed Musli crop seems like a crop requiring heavy investment. The sincere and hard working innovative herb growers of Chhattisgarh proved the fact that Safed Musli is "Poor man’s crop" and one can successfully cultivate it without much expenses. Unfortunately due to communication gap, most of the beginners are not aware of this fact and they are coming in grip of exploiters that are encouraging them to cultivate this crop using unscientific methods and as results, the growers are loosing money and getting Safed Musli roots of low market value. As herb experts, I always suggest the beginners to buy the planting material of Safed Musli from genuine farmers. As our farmers are not aware of true markets, many middlemen are active with attractive websites and company profiles and they are selling the cheaper roots at very high rates. This is a bitter fact that the governmental organizations working for the farmers, have no control on these middlemen. As mentioned earlier, the quality produce fetch good price in national and international markets, the beginners should have to be very careful in selection of planting material. As there is a heavy demand of Safed Musli planting material at initial years, the big growers want to take maximum advantage of this. To get more production, they are using chemical inputs in form of fertilizers and growth promoters,. Their planting materials are of poor quality. The beginners can take the help of advanced research laboratories or herb experts, in selection of planting material with high medicinal properties. Last year, I got a sample from South India. As test, I rubbed the Musli roots in stone and smelled it. I was shocked to get a smell of Monocrotophos, a popular insecticides in roots. I have visited the website of that particular organization. In the website, it was clearly mentioned that they grow the Safed Musli organically. This is very sad that many organizations are cheating the growers in name of organic farming. With the help of advanced analysis method, one can detect the residues of chemicals in Musli roots in very less time and expenses. In India, many organizations are claiming that they are selling tissue cultured Safed Musli plants for commercial cultivation. In the name of tissue culture, they are charging very higher rates from the growers. Be aware, and always consult the experts or scientists, before trying these things. Last year, one of my farmers, purchased small quantity of Safed Musli planting material from neighboring Maharashtra state. This farm is having a reputation of organic grower. Before planting when I gave the samples to my pathologist friend, he informed that the roots are severely infested with the harmful nematodes. These nematode were not reported earlier in Chhattisgarh. In order to stop its infestation, we decided to reject this material. We convinced the farmer and paid by our own pockets. We also informed the farm owner at Maharashtra but he told that he has already sold over 20 quin of material. Within two to three months, the reports on nematode infestation started coming from different corners of the India. At once we were successful to stop the entry of harmful nematode in our state but as the growers are increasing and we have no c over them, we are aware that this organism will became a menace in our state one day. The beginners can clearly distinguish the infested roots from healthy roots. I am emphasizing on chemical analysis of Musli roots because it will help you in many ways. After harvest of crop, when you will dry the produce for the market, one more analysis will help you to evaluate the farming practices, in terms of increase in saponin (and other chemicals) percentage. In metros, many such advanced laboratories are active. If you are cultivating Safed Musli for international markets, the chemical analysis is must. It is common observation that many growers contact the international buyers without having the detailed analysis report. When the buyers ask for it, they show ignorance. As herb expert, I suggest you to approach to the international buyers after completing home work sincerely. In general, the peeling is done with the help of sharp knife. In many parts of Chhattisgarh, particularly in Bilaspur region, the collectors use caustic soda for peeling. The use of chemical ease the process but damage the medicinal properties to the great extent. The collectors are aware of this fact but they are satisfied with the rates they are getting for their inferior produces. Ore must avoid the use of chemicals at any stage. Daily I receive hundreds of e-mail, letters and phone calls, regarding market of Safed Musli. I have noted that most of them are from beginners. At initial stages, I have given addresses to them and they started inquiring the buyers. When their tolerance level reached to maximum, they complained back to me and warned to give the address to the genuine growers engaged in commercial farming. To great extent, they are true from their side. The trade of Safed Musli is in existence since generations. There are herb collectors and buyers working silently without any problem. The crowd of new growers is now disturbing them. Through this article, I would like to request the new growers to start the commercial cultivation of this wonder crop after getting complete details from genuine growers, scientists, researchers and experts. The future of Safed Musli is bright and there is a tremendous scope in this field.


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