Effect of different Homoeopathic drugs prepared from common weeds on radial growth of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus membranaceus) under in vitro conditions

Effect of different Homoeopathic drugs prepared from common weeds on radial growth of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus membranaceus) under in vitro conditions 


Research Note - Pankaj Oudhia © 2001,2002,2003 Pankaj Oudhia - All Rights Reserved 

See Table With the objective of eliminating the increasing health hazards and toxic effects of fast uses of phytomedicines (insecticides, nematicides, fungicides and herbicides) and fertilizers in the modern agriculture, a novel method of harnessing Homoeopathic drugs are not only aptly suited for the control of most of the plant diseases, pests, logging, drought, etc. but are also able to increase fruit size and yields. y were found to be non-poisonous, non-toxic, non-polluting, effective, economical and very suitable to our poor and ignorant farmers (Oudhia, 1999). Mehta and Kachhwaha (1999) reported that the Homoeopathic drugs could affect the production of pectolytic and cellulolytic .enzymes and control the development of rotting in grape fruits. The Homoeopathic drugs are prepared by dissolving the crushed plant (or plant parts) in ethanol. In other words, Homoeopathic drugs specially the mother tincture (q) is l extract of particular plant (or plant part). Beneficial effects of many plant species including Calotropis and Cynodon have been reported (Saxena et al., 1987). Due to non- availability of any information regarding effects of Homoeopathic drags prepared from common weeds (Calotropis, Achyranthes, Boerhaavia, Cynodon and Solanum, respectively) on radial growth of Oyster mushroom, Pleurotus membranaceus, a study under laboratory condition was conducted at Department of Plant Pathology, IGAU, Raipur during 1998-99. Five Homoeopathic drugs viz,, Achyranthes aspera q, Boerhaavia diffusa q, Calotropis gigantea q, Cynodon dactylon q and Solanum nigrum q prepared from commonly available weeds of Chhattisgarh region were purchased from A. Ghani Homoeopathy and Biochemic Drug Shop, Raipur. These drugs were tested at four concentrations (500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 ppm) by incorporating them in the PDA medium using food poisoned technique (Nene and Thapliyal, 1987). Suitable control (i. e. without Homoeopathic drug) was maintained. A 5 mm disc cut from young growing culture of Pleurotus was placed in the centre of each petridish aseptically. Three replications were maintained. The plates were incubated at 25±1°C till the mycelial growth . in any of the treatments reached to 90 mm. The radial growth of Pleurotus at each concentration was recorded. Different concentrations of selected Homoeopathic drugs had significant effects on radial growth of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus membranaceus). Maximum radial growth (90.0 mm) was noted under Solanum q of 1000 ppm concentration which was at par with the growth produced by Achyranthes q of 1000 ppm and Cynodon q of 1500 ppm concentration. Calotropis q of 1500 ppm concentration inhibited the radial growth to the minimum (48.5 mm). Calotropis q of 500 and 2000 ppm and Solanum q of 1000 ppm produced comparable radial growth to that of control. In case of Achyranthes, Boerhaavia and Cynodon q, 500 ppm concentration, whereas in case of Solanum q and Calotropis q, 2000 and 1500 ppm concentration, respectively, resulted in lowest radial growth (Table 1). In this study, the isolation of different chemicals present in Homoeopathic drug prepared from common weeds was not done. However, the different stimulatory and inhibitory effects of these drugs as observed during the study were due to presence of some ethanol soluble chemicals. The study indicated that there was a tremendous scope of utilizing promising Homoeopathic drugs like Solanum q at 1500 ppm concentration and Achyranthes q at 1000 ppm concentration, for mushroom production. Furthermore, repetition of this work using different potencies and concentrations would provide better understanding of stimulatory or inhibitory effects of these Homoeopathic drug on radial growth of Pleurotus membranaceus. References Mehta, A. and Kachhwaha, M. (1999). Control of fruit rot grapes by some Homoeopathic drug & In : Abstract. International Conference on Frontiers in Fungal Biotech and Plant Pathogen Interactions. Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad (India), 16-18 Jan. p. 89. Nene, Y. L and Thapliyal, N. (1987). Poisoned food technique. In : Fungicides in Plant Disease Control, 2nd edn. Pbl. Oxford and IBH Publication Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. p. 413. Oudhia, P. (1999). Application of Homoeopathic and Biochemic drugs in crop production-A review. In : Abstract. National Seminar on Homoeopathy. Indian Homoeopathic Organization, Homoeopathy College, Raipur (India), 27-28 Feb. p. 3. Saxena, Amar, Pandey, M. and Gupta, R. C. (19X7). Effect of certain Homoeopahtic: drugs on incidence of borne fungi and seed germination of Abelmoschus esculentus. Indian J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 17 : 195- Sinha, K. P. (1998). The role of Homoeopathy in agriculture, In : Extended Summaries. First International Agronomy Congress, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi (India), 23- 27 Nov p.649-650. [A Gist from paper Gupta A., Thakur M.P. and Oudhia P. (2000) Res. On Crops 1(2) : 255-257]  


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