Vegetables available in semi-urban markets of Raipur city on November 24, 2006.

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2337
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Vegetables available in semi-urban markets of Raipur city on November 24, 2006.
Local NameScientific NameRemarks
BhindiAbelmoschus esculentusGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
ParwalTrichosanthes dioicaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
MooliRaphanus sativusGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
GajarDaucus carotaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
ArbiColocasia esculentaRelatively less pesticides are used
BhataSolanum melongenaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
GwarphalliVigna unguiculataGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
Patta GobhiBrassica oleracea var. capitataGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
Phool GobhiBrassica oleracea var. botrytisGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
Kachha KelaMusa paradisiacaGood for the patients having ulcerative colitis.
Kachha PapitaCarica papayaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
LaukiLagenaria sicerariaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides. Not suitable for use as medicine but natives use it internally in order to reduce extra fat.
KumhdaCucurbita maximaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
ToraiLuffa sp.Grown by using heavy amount of pesticides
TamatarLycopersicon esculentumGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides. Hybrid Tomatoes.
KundruCoccinia indicaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides. Good quality is exported. Medium quality reaches to market.
Piaz BhajiAllium cepaMuch liked by natives of rural region. It is raised in Badi also with less chemicals.
PalakSpinacia oleraceaGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
Lal bhajiAmaranthus tricolorGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
Methi BhajiTrigonella foenum-graecumGrown by using heavy amount of pesticides
Chana BhajiCicer arietinumCollected from Gram crop fields. Collection of Bhaji helps the crop to grow more vigorously
Sarson BhajiBrassica campestris var. sarsonCollected from crop fields.


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