National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 07 to 12, 2007

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2475
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National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 07 to 12, 2007. Related Ecoport Tables
Local NameScientific NameNational/International QueriesRemarks
HadjodCissus quadrangularisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Fresh as well as dry stems and traditional products.
TenduDiospyros melanoxylonN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
PengCelastrus paniculataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
MahuaMadhuca indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KaranjPongamia pinnataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Seed oil by Biodiesel industires.
Keu KandCostus speciosusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
GunjaAbrus precatoriusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. More demand for black and white seeded rare types.
MothaCyperus rotundusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for oil.
VakeriCaesalpinia digynaN, INIn limited amount.
KalihariGloriosa superbaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BramhiBacopa monnieriNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Manduk ParniCentella asiaticaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BachAcorus calamusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Safed MusliChlorophytum tuberosumNThis year's harvest in bulk. Less demand for cultivated type.
Kali MusliCurculigo orchioidesNThis year's harvest in bulk.
NirmaliStrychnos potatorumNThis year's harvest in bulk.
AithiHelicteres isoraNThis year's harvest in bulk.
GiloiTinospora cordifoliaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
SarpgandhaRauvolfia serpentinaN, INRoots as well as seeds
AsgandhWithania somniferaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
AkarkaraSpilanthes acmellaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BathuaChenopodium albumN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for seed oil.
MundiSphaeranthus indicusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Lac N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Honey N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
AmarbelCuscuta reflexaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
NirgundiVitex negundoNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Kali HaldiCurcuma caesiaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Jangli HaldiCurcuma aromaticaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
TikhurCurcuma leucorrhizaNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for powdered roots.
GulbakawaliHedychium coronariumNThis year's harvest in bulk.
GendaTagetes erectaNThis year's harvest in bulk. Flower as well as oil.
MahulBauhinia vahliiNThis year's harvest in bulk. Platters.
Chhui-MuiMimosa pudicaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
PipalFicus religiosaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. More demand for fruits.
GastiFicus virensN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
CharBuchanania lanzanN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KumhiCareya arboreaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
AmliTamarindus indicaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
HarraTerminalia chebulaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
BaheraTerminalia belliricaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
AonlaEmblica officinalisNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for wild type is high
UntkataraEchinops echinatusNThis year's harvest in bulk.
SirsaAlbizia lebbeckNThis year's harvest in bulk.
BambriAcacia niloticaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Seeds and pods are in high demand.
ParsaButea monospermaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand of fresh flowers is surprisingly high.
KevatchMucuna pruriensN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
AloeAloe veraN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for processed products.
RanijadaJatropha gossypifoliaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Oil by biodiesel industries.
KusumSchleichera oleosaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for oil by Biodiesel companies.


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