National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 19 to 24, 2007

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2478
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National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 19 to 24, 2007. Related Ecoport Tables
Local NameScientific NameNational/International QueriesRemarks
MahuaMadhuca indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Rare demand for its roots in bulk.
AmliTamarindus indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
HadjodCissus quadrangularisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Both green and dry.
GunjaAbrus precatoriusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. More demand for seeds. Demand for black and white seeds is high.
JhauTamarix ericoidesN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Ganga AmliPithecellobium dulceN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
TenduDiospyros melanoxylonN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Regular demand of platters prepared from its leaves but due to its use in Bidi industries suppliers are not ready to fulfill this demand.
KoliarBauhinia sp.NThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for pods.
CharBuchanania lanzanN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KusumSchleichera oleosaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand of oil from Biodiesel industries.
NeemAzadirachta indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KaranjPongamia pinnataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for oil by Biodiesel industries.
DhikuarAloe veraN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for processed products.
SatavarAsparagus racemosusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
UntkataraEchinops echinatusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
VakeriCaesalpinia digynaN, INIn limited amount.
Lac N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Honey N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Bilai KandIpomoea digitataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
GastiFicus virensNThis year's harvest in bulk.
PipalFicus religiosaNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for fruits.
BarFicus benghalensisNThis year's harvest in bulk.
KarraCleistanthus collinusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KathalArtocarpus heterophyllusNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for leaf platters.
AmarbelCuscuta sp.N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BandaVanda sp.N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
GulbakawaliHedychium coronariumN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for Ark.
PakarFicus rumphiiN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
HarraTerminalia chebulaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
AonlaEmblica officinalisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for processed products.
BaheraTerminalia belliricaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
PengCelastrus paniculataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BaichandiDioscorea sp.N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
TikhurCurcuma leucorrhizaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Kali HaldiCurcuma caesiaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Jangli HaldiCurcuma aromaticaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Safed MusliChlorophytum tuberosumNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Kali MusliCurculigo orchioidesNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Lemon GrassCymbopogon citratusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Regular demand.
GokhruTribulus terrestrisNThis year's harvest in bulk.
HulhulCleome viscosaNThis year's harvest in bulk. More demand for seeds.
KevatchMucuna pruriensN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
MarorphaliHelicteres isoraN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
GiloiTinospora cordifoliaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
KalihariGloriosa superbaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
GataranCaesalpinia bonducN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BachAcorus calamusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for Calamus oil from Europe.
BramhiBacopa monnieriN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
SajaTerminalia alataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
MahulBauhinia vahliiN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Companies interested in long term contract.


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