National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 01 to 06, 2007

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2472
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National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 01 to 06, 2007. Related Ecoport Tables
Local NameScientific NameNational/International QueriesRemarks
HadjodCissus quadrangularisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KalihariGloriosa superbaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Kolhi-KekdiCucumis trigonusNThis year's harvest in bulk.
MuscainiIpomoea reniformisNThis year's harvest in bulk.
MothaCyperus rotundusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
TenduDiospyros melanoxylonN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Special demand for platters prepared from its leaves.
MahuaMadhuca indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
CharBuchanania lanzanN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Ganga AmliPithecellobium dulceNThis year's harvest in bulk.
BaelAegle marmelosNThis year's harvest in bulk.
CharotaCassia toraN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for Charota based herbal products specially Herbal Tea.
AmarbelCuscuta reflexaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
AmliTamarindus indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Bilai KandIpomoea digitataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KaranjPongamia pinnataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Seed oil by biodiesel units.
NeemAzadirachta indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for organic farming input manufacturing companies also.
Kali HaldiCurcuma caesiaN, INIn limited amount
HaldiCurcuma longaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Jangli HaldiCurcuma aromaticaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
PengCelastrus paniculataNThis year's harvest in bulk.
KalmeghAndrographis paniculataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KevatchMucuna pruriensN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Special demand for its roots.
PunirWithania coagulansNIn limited amount.
SonpathaOroxylum indicumNIn limited amount
PadriStereospermum personatumNThis year's harvest in bulk.
AmaltasCassia fistulaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
SirsaAlbizia lebbeckNThis year's harvest in bulk.
BambriAcacia niloticaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
GudmarGymnema sylvestreN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
MandukparniCentella asiaticaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BramhiBacopa monnieriN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Safed MusliChlorophytum tuberosumNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Kali MusliCurculigo orchioidesNThis year's harvest in bulk.
GastiFicus virensNFruits.
PakarFicus rumphiiNFruits
PipalFicus religiosaNFruits
BarFicus benghalensisNFruits
Lac N, INIn bulk. Demand for end product.
Honey N, INIn bulk
DhikuarAloe veraN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Indra JauWrightia tinctoriaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
KurruGardenia sp.NFruits.
BaheraTerminalia belliricaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
AonlaEmblica officinalisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
HarraTerminalia chebulaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
SajaTerminalia alataNThis year's harvest in bulk.
SarpgandhaRauvolfia serpentinaN, INRoots and seeds in bulk.
MaidaLitsea chinensisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
VakeriCaesalpinia digynaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
RanijadaJatropha gossypifoliaNThis year's harvest in bulk.


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