National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 25 to 31, 2007

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2480
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National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during March 25 to 31, 2007. Related Ecoport Tables
Local NameScientific NameNational/International QueriesRemarks
KusumSchleichera oleosaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Special demand for oil by Biodiesel companies.
HarraTerminalia chebulaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Specific demand for Harra fruits having 3 line markings.
BaheraTerminalia belliricaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Kasturi BhindiAbelmoschus moschatusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for oil in bulk.
MahulBauhinia vahliiN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
AonlaEmblica officinalisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for Aonla based products.
MahuaMadhuca indicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
BeejaPterocarpus marsupiumNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for Herbal Glasses.
KohaTerminalia arjunaNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for bark and fruits.
KukrondaBlumea laceraNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for oil.
GiloiTinospora cordifoliaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for both green and dry stems.
HadjodCissus quadrangularisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KalihariGloriosa superbaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. More demand for seeds.
GotiphoolLantana camaraNMatured fruits in bulk.
ThuraEuphorbia neriifoliaNDemand for new leaves in small quantity.
CharBuchanania lanzanNThis year's harvest in bulk.
TenduDiospyros melanoxylonN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
NirmaliStrychnos potatorumN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KuchlaStrychnos nux-vomicaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
RasnaVanda sp.N, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Lac N, INIn bulk.
DhawaiWoodfordia fruticosaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Special demand for flowers.
Honey N, INIn bulk.
Bendra CharIxora pavettaNSpecific demand for fresh flowers.
KurruGardenia sp.NThis year's harvest in bulk.
GastiFicus virensNThis year's harvest in bulk.
KaithaFeronia limoniaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
BaelAegle marmelosNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Ganga AmliPithecellobium dulceNThis year's harvest in bulk.
RanijadaJatropha gossypifoliaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for seed oil in bulk.
KaranjPongamia pinnataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for seed oil in bulk.
Patal KumhdaPueraria tuberosaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
Bilai KandIpomoea digitataN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
MuscainiIpomoea reniformisN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
SatyanashiArgemone mexicanaNThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for seed oil.
UntkataraEchinops echinatusNThis year's harvest in bulk.
SemraBombax ceibaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots and floss.
FudharCalotropis giganteaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
DaturaDatura sp.NThis year's harvest in bulk.
DoobiCynodon dactylonNWhite diseased grass in limited quantity.
GokhruTribulus terrestrisNThis year's harvest in bulk.
SalShorea robustaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
AmarbelCuscuta reflexaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
NeemAzadirachta indicaNThis year's harvest in bulk.
TulsiOcimum sanctumNThis year's harvest in bulk.
Nimbu GhasCymbopogon citratusN, INThis year's harvest in bulk.
KhasVetiveria zizanioidesNThis year's harvest in bulk.
GataranCaesalpinia bonducNThis year's harvest in bulk.
KevatchMucuna pruriensN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. Demand for all types of Kevatch.
SarpgandhaRauvolfia serpentinaN, INThis year's harvest in bulk. More demand for seeds.


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