Strategy for Parthenium Management from the Parthenium Action Group-Indian Experience. by Pankaj Oudhia, IPRNG, SOPAM,
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Strategy for Parthenium Management from the Parthenium Action Group-Indian
Contributor:Dr. Pankaj Oudhia QA and TEM | Reports Public presentation Free form Table of Contents Display Full eArticle | ID: 734 |
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Abstract |
[ Lead paper presented at Second International Conference on Parthenium Management December : 5-7, 2005, Bangalore, India] |
Table of Contents |
Introduction |
Experiences with IPRNG |
Experiences with Society for Parthenium Management (SOPAM) |
Suggestions |
References |
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Introduction | Return To Table of Contents |
Parthenium hysterophorus is considered as one of the ten worst weeds of the world. This weed is harmful to humanbeings, animals and plants (Oudhia et al.1997a, b; Oudhia and Tripathi, 1998). It causes allergies and mental depression in human beings. Most of these troubles are incurable especially when they attain advanced stages. It produces similar problems in cattle. The menace of Parthenium in forestland is becoming curse for the natural biodiversity. Through strong allelochemicals Parthenium suppresses the growth of native flora, some times even causing extinction. Due to increasing infestation in all situations many valuable medicinal herbs are in danger. Parthenium is an exotic weed entered India accidentally some where in mid-fifties. It was seen in Pune for the first time in the year 1956. Now Parthenium is present in almost every corner of India. Its local name in central India Ramphool is due to its presence everywhere like Lord Ram (Oudhia, 2000a,b, c and d; Oudhia2001a and b; Oudhia and Tripathi, 2000;Vyas and Oudhia, 1999; Oudhia et al.2000.) The Indian researchers, having understood the harmful effect of Parthenium have carried out much research on management aspect of this weed. Literatures on the control aspect of this weed is plenty, very few information is of practical importance. This is the reason that the area under Parthenium infestation is increasing at alarming rate. The researchers have many methods for Parthenium management but every method has some limitation. Through agrochemicals or through hand weeding the modern research have helped the farmers to get rid of Parthenium in crop fields effectively. But its spread in wasteland has been a problem. It is not advisable to use chemicals in large scale as the spray of agrochemical in large areas can cause environmental problems. The researchers have identified many plants having smothering effect on Parthenium population. Cassia serecia is one of these plants. There are many success stories on the use of this species but this method is having its own limitation. Many researchers are not in favor of managing one problem through other problem. The promotion of another species may encourage the new plants to become potential weed. Also most of the plants grow in specific season whereas the Parthenium grows in all season. An introduction of Mexican beetle is having some objections initially but latter it has been identified as promising bio-control agent. The researchers are monitoring it carefully in order to prevent the odd situation of its feeding on other plants of economical importance. By taking advantage of all methods, an integrated approach for Parthenium management has been developed. But it is not in much use for want of fine finishing the technology for different situations and for want of creating awareness of potentiality of this method. The Indian farmers as well as common people are worried due to increasing Parthenium infestation. They are not having easy method to manage it. They are uprooting it by hand but due to fear of skin allergy they are avoiding this method also. No doubt the awareness about Parthenium hazards has helped to control it in home gardens but no serious effort is made manage it in wastelands. These wastelands are serving as seed bank being a continuous source of Parthenium seed supply and its propagation. Also through the soil brought from the wasteland and commonly used as garden soil the seeds are reaching to new areas. Parthenium is having no naturally designed enemies to check its growth. This is the reason the weed is spreading unchecked in India. Although Parthenium hysterophorus is present in India since five decades and hundreds of researchers are conducting research on its different aspects, it is bare fact that there is no coordination among these researchers. Besides, government organizations many non-governmental organizations as well as individuals are also working on different aspects of Parthenium management. The farmers living in Parthenium infested areas and facing the problem of Parthenium in their day today life have many questions about this obnoxious weed. The non-governmental organizations eager to manage this weed are in search of ecofriendly and less expensive methods. The reference literatures have lot of information generated on unique research findings but the information is not reaching to the interested persons/organizations in an organized and convincing manner. This is the reason that Parthenium weed continues to invade newer and newer areas till this date in India. In many parts Parthenium eradication programme is becoming a routine program. On August Fifteenth and January 26th every year the social organizations uproot few plants in order to get media publicity. No one bothers about it after wards, either to know about the results or about adopting latest technologies. The spread of Parthenium is very fast and our ignorance to the seriousness of the problem is worsening the situation. Initially Parthenium growth was limited to wasteland and Agricultural fields but now natural opened up forests are becoming favorite places for Parthenium invasion. Parthenium is becoming a curse for biodiversity. The wild animals and forest herbs are in danger. During visit to different tiger reserve the skin troubles due to Parthenium can be seen on wild animals. This is not a good sign (Oudhia 2004a,b, c and d). There is a need for vigorous discussions and drawing up a road map for effective situation as well as at the national level for a time bound programme. |
Experiences with IPRNG | Return To Table of Contents |
The basic objective behind establishment of International Parthenium Research News Group (IPRNG) was to provide a forum for the researchers, extension workers, farmers, students, common man etc. who are interested in checking the growth of this obnoxious weed. A forum to interact on different aspects of Parthenium management is therefore a need of the hour. Initially the proposal was to start a newsletter in English .The Parthenium workers contributed generously for the reading material for this newsletter. But due to financial constraints the idea was dropped. Later by seeing the success of Allelopathy News Group the idea of launching a web site on Parthenium worked and initially in form of webpages and later in form of website IPRNG has come into existence. Today IPRNG is world’s only website having information on all aspects of Parthenium hysterophorus. By typing a word ‘Parthenium’ at any search engine, this website comes as the very first website. Millions of visitors visit this website every year. The researchers are getting benefit from the site as new references are added regularly in the website. They also get research articles from the Parthenium experts around the world. The students can put their queries in this website. The purpose of Parthenium directory is to prepare online directory of the Parthenium researchers around the world. For the lay man also, the photographs and other information are available. For the recent activities on Parthenium related activities ‘Parthenium News’ section has been added. The access of this website is absolutely free and IPRNG membership is free for every one. Although it looks like an active group and in fact the group members share their views and experiences through this website but it is also a fact that the expense and maintenance of this website is met by one person. It is an individual effort. The financial support and one handwork are major constraints. You can imagine the performance of this website when it will run by the group members and sufficient funds. Due to financial constraints the launching of this website in different regional languages of India and major languages of the world is getting delayed. Some future plannings for IPRNG are Publication of Parthenium e-newsletter. Increasing the participation of the students both at school as well as college levels. Addition of section for the farmers in simple words. Live chat programs with the eminent Parthenium experts around the world. Addition of new videos on Parthenium. Interviews of Parthenium researchers. Success stories on Parthenium. More research materials on Parthenium. Recently on June 28,2005 Parthenium Discussion Group has been formed to promote the interaction among the Parthenium workers. Its web address is |
Experiences with Society for Parthenium Management (SOPAM) | Return To Table of Contents |
After First International Conference on Parthenium Management held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India inspired by the sincere Parthenium research by Dr.M. Mahadevappa non-profit and non-political organization Society for Parthenium Management has been formed. The purpose of this non-governmental organization is to create awareness among the people, particularly common man about the identification, harms and management of Parthenium. With the help of its campaign War Against Parthenium (WAP), SOPAM is conducting state and national level awareness programs. At present SOPAM is run by twenty-two members from different fields of specialization. SOPAM is working with own resources and taking no financial help from anyone. In the banner of SOPAM the members visit to schools to educate the children about this obnoxious weed. The information about Parthenium is published through newspapers, Farmer’s magazines and journals. SOPAM has published a book titled ‘Gajar Ghas: Ek Ghatak Shatru’ in Hindi to give details about Parthenium in simple words. At present SOPAM is engaged in management of Parthenium through twenty- percent salt solution. This cheap as well as effective method of Parthenium management is becoming very popular and many organizations have started Parthenium management through this. |
Suggestions | Return To Table of Contents |
Both IPRNG and SOPAM are working in the field of Parthenium management but the benefactors of both are different. IPRNG is limited to the people having access to Internet. The active IPRNG members are regular surfers. It is bitter fact that in India very low percentage of population uses Internet. IPRNG is good tool for international co-ordination to establish contacts and interactions with the researchers of foreign countries having well access to Internet. The activities of SOPAM are at ground level. This is the reason SOPAM is having much benefactors than IPRNG. For real coordination both organizations are necessary. Through this research paper I would like to propose the model for future Parthenium action group based on the experiences gained by running these organizations. 1.Formation of forums at different levels: For efficient Parthenium management there is a need to form different forums from regional to international levels. Before launching International events like this there is a need to organize series of meetings and interactions at regional levels throughout the world. The out comes of these meetings and interactions can be presented at national level forums and finally at international level. The coordination among these forums can be established with the help of IPRNG website. In regions where internet facilities are available online discussions can be done whereas in other regions Agricultural universities and research stations along with non-governmental organizations can play an important role. 2.Formation of forums according to the different fields: From utilization to control there are many aspects of Parthenium management and it is good sign that we have good number of experts in each field. There is a need to establish small forums on each aspect for complete and fruitful interactions. These working groups will share their views to the national and international level groups. These groups or forum must be open to the common people and there must be provision for free membership. 3. Parthenium awareness week or month: In Indian state Chhattisgarh Parthenium awareness week is organized during July every year. In Kanpur Parthenium researchers organize one-day Parthenium awareness programme on September fourth. These steps must be encouraged. There is a need to organize Parthenium awareness week or month on same date around the globe under the banner of Parthenium action group. This event will not only create awareness but also give a strong message to policy makers about the seriousness of the problem. 4.Publication of Newsletter: Although several attempts have been made to start the publication of Parthenium newsletter, it has not taken a shape but now it has become a necessity. E-News letter can serve the purpose initially but for real impact the publication of newsletter in hard copies is necessary. The frequency of publication can be discussed but it must be regular. From IPRNG side we are ready to take this responsibility. 5.Publication of Information materials: Although reference literatures are full of information on different aspects on Parthenium but for common people the information is not available in their own languages, There is a need to publish scientific literatures in common people’s languages under the banner of Parthenium action group. The problems created by Parthenium hysterophorus have attracted the attention of the policy makers. In many countries Parthenium management programme is in good progress. There is a need to emulate the same in other countries repeat the same success stories in other countries like India. Through Parthenium Action Group these targets can be achieved more efficiently and much faster. |
References | Return To Table of Contents |
Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S.(1997a) Allelopathic effect of white top (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) on chickpea. Legume Research. 20 (2): 117-120. Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S.(1997b) Allelopathic effect of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination of Linseed. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 2 (4). 327-329. Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998). Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on Kodo, Mustard and problematic weeds. Proc. First International Conference on Parthenium Management (Vol. II) UAS, Dharwad 6-8 Oct. 1997: 136-139. Oudhia, P., Tripathi, R. S., Choubey, N. K. and Banwari Lal (2000). Parthenium hysterophorus: A curse for the bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh plains. Crop Research. 19(2) : 221-224. Oudhia, P. (2000a). Toxic effects of Parthenium leaf extracts on Aspidomorpha miliaris F. and Zonabris pustulata Thunb. Insect Environment 5(4) : 168. Oudhia,P.(2000b).Parthenium hysterophorus : a new weed in upland rice fields of the Chattisgarh Plains(India).International Rice Research Notes(IRRN).25.1:34. Oudhia,P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Allelopathic effects of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus on germination and seedling vigour of rice var. Mahamaya.Research on Crops.1(1):111-115. Oudhia,P. (2000c).Positive (inhibitory) allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus leaves on germination and seedling vigour of sunflower.Crop Research 20(3):560-562. Oudhia,P. (2000d).Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus and Ageratum conyzoides on wheat var.Sujata.Crop Research 20(3):563-566. Oudhia, P. (2001a). Phyto-sociological studies of rainy season wasteland weeds with special reference to Parthenium hysterophorus L. in Raipur (India) district. Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech & Env. Sc.3(1-2):89-92 . Oudhia,P.(2001b).Medicinal uses of Congress weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.:A Review.Ecol. Env. and Cons.7(2):175-177 Oudhia,P.(2001c).Allelopathic effects of leachates and extracts of different parts of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination and seedling vigour of selected crops.Ecol. Env. and Cons. 7(4):427-434. Oudhia,P.(2004a). My experiments and experiences with Gajar Ghas (Parthenium hysterophorus). .At Oudhia,P.(2004b).Traditional medicinal knowledge about common herbs used for asthma in Chhattisgarh, India. At Oudhia,P.(2004c). One Day in Devpur Forest Region. At Oudhia,P.(2004d). And Final War (Against Parthenium) has started. At Vyas, S. and Oudhia, P. (1999). Parthenium hysterophorus L. : A potential threat to the public health, crop productivity and bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh. National Seminar on Geography. with Special Emphasis on Environment, Durga College, Raipur, 6-7 Mar. p 3. |
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