Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please tell us whether Palash (Butea monosperma) is useful in treatment of cancer and if yes, then how it can be used.
Pankaj Oudhia ji, Please tell us whether Palash (Butea monosperma)
is useful in treatment of cancer and if yes, then how it can be used.
Thanks for your message. Best way is to search through Google by
adding the subject with my name i.e. Pankaj Oudhia, you will get thousands of
results like this one.
Pankaj Oudhia
Red flowered Parsa is common in Chhattisgarh but white and yellow
flowered Parsa are also present in wild. Among the healers these rare types
hold a reputed position. They use these rare types in treatment of complicated
troubles at advanced stages. These rare types are commonly used by the
traditional healers of Chhattisgarh having expertise in treatment of cancer.
Through interactions and meeting with these healers I have collected many
interesting information.
[Excerpts of the research document.]