Selected Research Publications on Chhattisgarh Biodiversity

List of publications I. Published Papers

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1996) Allelopathic effect of Datura stramonium L. on linseed. Agril. Biol. Res. 12 (1&2): 12-17.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998) Allelopathic potential of Datura stramonium L. Crop. Res. 16 (1): 37-40.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997). Allelopathic potential of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. World Weeds.4:109-119.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Allelopathic effect of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. on germination and seedling vigour of chickpea. Legume Research. 20 (2): 133-136

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Germination and seedling vigour of Soybean as affected by allelopathy of Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Legume Research. 20 (3/4): 227-229.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998) Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on Rice and common kharif weeds: Oryza 35 (2): 175-177.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Allelopathic effect of white top (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) on chickpea. Legume Research. 20 (2): 117-120.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998) Allelopathic potential of Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Agril. Biol.Res. 14 (3&4): 1-8.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998). Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on Kodo, Mustard and problematic weeds. Proc. First International Conference on Parthenium Management (Vol. II) UAS, Dharwad 6-8 Oct. 1997: 136-139.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998) Germination and seedling vigour of chickpea as affected by allelopathy of Datura stramonium L. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter (ICRISAT) 5 : 22-24.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1999) Germination and seedling vigour of rice var. Mahamaya as affected by allelopathy of Datura stramonium Crop Research 18 (1). 46-49.

Oudhia, P., Tripathi, R. S., Puri, Sunil and Chandel, D. S. (1999). Traditional knowledge about medicinal weeds in Chhattisgarh. Vasundhara The Earth. 1 (1): 12 -15.

Oudhia, P. (1999). Medicinal weeds in rice fields of Chhattisgarh (India). International Rice Research Note. 24.1:40.

Oudhia, P. (1999) Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination of Melilotus alba. Legume Research 22 (2): 133-134.

Oudhia, P. (1999) Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on germination of soybean. Legume Research 22(4): 273-274.

Oudhia, P. (2000) Allelopathic effects of Ageratum conyzoides and Ipomoea carnea on mustard Eco. Env. and Consv.6 (1):46-47).

Oudhia, P. (1999) Medicinal weeds in wheat fields of Chhattisgarh (India). Rachis (ICARDA) 18 (1): 40-41.

Oudhia, P. (1999) Medicinal weeds in groundnut fields of Chhattisgarh (India). International Arachis Newsletter (ICRISAT) 19: 62-64.

Oudhia, P. (1999) studies on allelopathy and medicinal weeds in chickpea fields. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter (ICRISAT) 6: 29-33.

Oudhia, Pankaj and Dixit, Anil (1994) Weeds in Ambikapur region (Madhya Pradesh) and their traditional use. Weed News 1(2): 19-21.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1995) Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides L. on germination of linseed var. Kiran. Weed News 2 (1&2): 15-18.

Oudhia, Pankaj and Thakur, B.S. (1996) New record of the leaf beetle on a weed. Current Research 25: 218.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on wheat. Indian J. Weed Sci. 29 (1&2) 4-7.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Allelopathic effect of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination of Linseed. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 2 (4). 327-329.

Oudhia, P. (1997) Evaluation of host specificity of Blumea leaf beetle (Chrysolina sp. nr. madrasae Jackoby). Insect Environment. 3 (3): 80.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R. S. (1998). Medicinal Weeds of kharif crops in the plains of Chhattisgarh. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika 13 (1/2):33-38.

Oudhia, P., Joshi, B.S. and Kosta, V. K. (1998). The possibilities of preparing Homoeopathic drugs from the obnoxious weeds of Chhattisgarh Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika 13 (1/2):53-57.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997). Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on chickpea and rabi weeds: Agric. Sci. Digest. 17 (4): 275-278.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (2000) Allelopathic effect of Lantana camara L. on germination of kodo (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) Agric. Sci. Digest.20 (4): 263-264.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (2000). Germination of mustard as affected by allelopathy of Datura stramonium L. Agric. Sci. Digest.20 (4): 257-258.

Oudhia, P., Shrivastava, G.K. and Tripathi, R.S. (1996). Medicinal weeds of Durg (Madhya Pradesh) region. Weed News. 3 (1&2): 63-66.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S., (1999) Scope of cultivation of important medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh plains Proc. National Conference on Health Care and Development of Herbal Medicines IGAU, Raipur (India) 29-30 Aug. 1997: 215-222.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S., (1999) Medicinal weeds of Raipur and Durg (Madhya Pradesh) region Proc. National Conference on Health Care and Development of Herbal Medicines, IGAU, Raipur (India) 29-30 Aug. 1997: 71-78.

Oudhia, P. and Ganguli, R.N. (1998). Is Lantana camara responsible for Sal-borer infestation in M.P.? Insect Environment. 4 (1): 5.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S. S. and Tripathi, R. S., (1998) Germination and seedling vigour of mustard as affected by allelopathy of Blumea lacera L. Agric. Sci. Digest . 18(3): 183- 186

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R. S. Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on germination and seedling vigour of mustard. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika (In press).

Oudhia, P., Tripathi, R. S. and Pandey, N. (1998). The possibilities of utilization of medicinal weeds to increase the income of the farmers. Proc. National Seminar on Medicinal Plant Resources Development organized by Gujarat Government, Jamnagar Ayurved University and AADAR Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad. (In press).

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S. S. and Tripathi, R. S. (1999). Negative (stimulatory) allelopathy of Lantana camara L. on linseed var. Kiran. Ind. J. Microbiol. (In press).

Oudhia, P. (1998) Medicinal insects and spiders. Insect Environment.4 (2): 57-58

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S., (1999) Allelopathic effect of Lantana camara L. on rice Agric. Sci. Digest. 19(1): 43-45.

Oudhia, P., Pandey, N., Tripathi, R. S. and Ganguli, R. N. (1998) Effect of different fertility levels on the gall midge (Orseolia oryzae) infestation. Insect Environment.4 (3): 66-67.

Oudhia, P., Pandey, N., Ganguli, R.N. and Tripathi, R. S. (1999) Reaction of hybrid rice varieties to gall midge (Orseolia oryzae). Insect Environment. 4 (4): 134.

Oudhia, P., Pandey, N., Tripathi, R. S. and Ganguli, R. N. (1999) Effect of Nitrogen and Water management practices on gall midge (Orseolia oryzae) infestation in hybrid rice. Insect Environment. 4 (4): 119-120.

Oudhia, P., Pandey, N., Tripathi, R.S and Ganguli, R.N. (1999) Gall midge (Orseolia oryzae) infestation in hybrid rice as affected by Agronomical practices. Insect Environment. 4 (4): 123-124

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R. S. (1999) An useful weed Blumea lacera L.: A Review. Indian J. Weed Sci.31 (1&2): 108-109.

Oudhia, P. (1999) Chhattisgarh farmer's response on control of weeds in direct seeded rice. Agril. Sci. Digest. 19(4): 261-263.

Oudhia, P. (1999) Effect of some botanicals on hatchability of Blumea leaf beetle eggs. Insect Environment. 4(4): 154

Oudhia, P. (2000). Germination and seedling vigour of kodomillet as affected by allelopathy of Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 5(4) NS: 383-384.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R. S. (1998) Allelopathic effects of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. on germination and seedling vigour of linseed Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 13 (3/4): 141-144.

Oudhia, P., Pandey, N., Tripathi, R. S. and Ganguli, R. N. (1999). Response of different hybrid rice varieties to Brown Plant Hopper [Nilaparvata lugens (stal.)]. Insect Environment. 5 (1): 10-11.

Oudhia, P. (2000). Germination and seedling vigour of wheat as affected by allelopathy of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. Eco. Env. and Consv. (In press).

Oudhia, P., Tripathi, R. S., Choubey, N. K. and Banwari Lal (2000). Parthenium hysterophorus: A curse for the bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh plains. Crop Research. 19(2): 221-224.

Oudhia, P. (1999) Blumea leaf beetle in Chhattisgarh Plains. Insect Environment. 5 (1): 22.

Oudhia, P. Stimulatory allelopathy of Ageratum conyzoides L. on soybean. Agri. Sci. Digest. (In press).

Oudhia, P., Pandey, N. and Tripathi, R.S. (1999). Allelopathic effects of obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of hybrid rice International Rice Research Notes (IRRI). 24(2): 36.

Oudhia, P. (2000) Medicinal weeds in kodomillet fields: A source of an additional income for Chhattisgarh farmers. Ecol., Env.and Cons. 6(2):171-174.

Banwarilal and Oudhia, P. (1999). Beneficial effects of Allelopathy: I. Crop Production. Indian J. Weed Sci. 31(1&2): 103-105

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (2000). Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on wheat. Crop Research (In press).

Oudhia, P. (2001). Phyto-sociological studies of rainy season wasteland weeds with special reference to Parthenium hysterophorus L. in Raipur (India) district. Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech & Env. Sc.3 (1-2):89-92.

Oudhia, P. (1999). Allelopathic effects of Typha angustata on germination and seedling vigour of winter maize and rice. Agric. Sci. Digest 19(4): 285-286.

Oudhia, P. and Ganguli, J. (1999). Outbreak of Tortoise beetle Aspidomorpha miliaris F. (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae) in Chhattisgarh plains. Insect Environment 5(3): 110-111.

Oudhia, P. (1999). Traditional medicinal knowledge about Red velvet mite Trombidium sp. (Acari: Trombidiidae) in Chhattisgarh. Insect Environment 5(3): 113.

Oudhia, P. (1999). Effects of Total Solar Eclipse on activities of some insects and mites. Insect Environment 5(3): 113-114.

Oudhia, P. (2000). Studies on host specificity and preference of the metallic coloured Tortoise beetle (Aspidomorpha miliaris F.) Ecol. Env. And Cons.6 (3):357-359.

Oudhia, P. (2000). Studies on host specificity of the orange Banded Blister beetle (Zonabris pustulata L.) Ecol. Environ. And Conv. (In press).

Oudhia, P. (1999). Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of Lathyrus sativus. FABIS Newsletter 42:32-34.

Oudhia, P. (1999). Possibilities of providing an additional income to Lathyrus farmers of Chhattisgarh through medicinal weeds. FABIS Newsletter 42:39-42.

Oudhia, P. (2000). Effects of leaf extracts on Metallic Coloured Tortoise beetle Aspidomorpha miliaris F. Insect Environment 5(4): 165.

Oudhia, P. (2000). Toxic effects of Parthenium leaf extracts on Aspidomorpha miliaris F. and Zonabris pustulata Thunb. Insect Environment 5(4): 168.

Oudhia. (2000).Common housefly Musca nebulo Wiedemann (Diptera; Muscidae) as medicinal insect in Chhattisgarh. Insect Environment.6 (1):36-37.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Allelopathic effects of Kukronda(Blumea lacera L.) on linseed. Agric. Sci. Digest 20(2):126-128

Oudhia, P.(2000).Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on chickpea. Ecol. Env. and Consv. 6 (20:223-225.

Oudhia, P. (2000).Parthenium hysterophorus : a new weed in upland rice fields of the Chattisgarh Plains(India).International Rice Research Notes(IRRN).25.1:34.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (2000).Allelopathic effects of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus on germination and seedling vigour of rice var. Mahamaya. Research on Crops.1 (1):111-115.

Oudhia, P. (2000).Positive (inhibitory) allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.).Research on Crops1 (1):116-118.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Allelopathic effects of some plant extracts on rice var.Mahamaya. Research on Crops.1 (1):119-121.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Medicinal weed flora of brinjal(Solanum melongena L.) fields in Chhattisgarh (India).Crop Research 20(3):482-488.

Oudhia, P. (2000).Evaluation of some botanicals against orange banded blister beetle (Zonabris pustulata Thunb.).Crop Research 20(3):558-559

Oudhia, P. (2000).Positive (inhibitory) allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus leaves on germination and seedling vigour of sunflower. Crop Research 20(3):560-562.

Oudhia, P. (2000).Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus and Ageratum conyzoides on wheat var.Sujata. Crop Research 20(3):563-566.

Gupta, A., Thakur, M. P. and Oudhia, P. (2000).Effects of different Homoeopathic drugs prepared from common weeds on radial growth of Oyster mushroom(Pleurotus membranaceus) under in vitro condition. Research on Crops 1(2):255-257.

Oudhia, P. (2000) Record of Orange Banded Blister Beetle Zonabris pustulata Thunb.(Coleoptera: Meloidae) on Safed Moosli(Chlorophytum borivilianum). Insect Environment.6(3):138

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Allelopathic research on rice seeds in Chhattisgarh(India):An overview. Special Volume -II on Rice Research and Management in India .Advances in Agricultural Research in India, InternationalBook Depot,Dehradun,India,XIV:69-80.

Oudhia, P. (2001). Problems perceived by safed moosli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) growers of Chhattisgarh(India) region: A study. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences. 22/4A and 23/1A:396-399.

Oudhia, P. and Pal, A. R. (2001). Rainy season medicinal weed flora in wastelands of Chamra nallah watershed area at Bagbahera. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences.22/4A and 23/1A:444-449.

Oudhia, P. (2001). Allelopathic effects of root leachates of some obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of wheat. Ecol. Env. and Cons.7(1):111-113.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Allelopathic research on chickpea seeds in Chattisgarh (India) region: An overview. Ecol. Env. and Cons.7(1):31-34.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Traditional medicinal knowledge about Bed Bug Cimex lectularius L.(Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in Chhattisgarh (India).Insect Environment.7(1):23.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Record of Aphis craccivora Koch.(Hemiptera: Aphididae) on medicinal crop Mucuna pruriens L. in Chhattisgarh (India).Insect Environment.7(1):24.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (2001).Allelopathic effects of Ageratum conyzoides and Calotropis gigantea on germination and seedling vigour of rice. Agric. Sci.Digest.21 (1):69-70.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Stimulatory allelopathic effects of Ageratum conyzoides L. on soybean. Agric. Sci.Digest.21 (1):55-56.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Traditional medicinal knowledge about Pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in Chhattisgarh, India. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter.8:14-15.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Medicinal uses of Congress weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.:A Review. Ecol. Env. and Cons.7(2):175-177.

Oudhia, P. (2000).Traditional medicinal knowledge about green leaf hopper, Nephotettix spp. in Chhattisgarh (India). International Rice Research Notes. 25(3):40.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Evaluation of allelopathic effects of some fruit tree leaf extracts on emergence and seedling vigour of Lathyrus var.Biol-212.Legume Res. 24(3):207-208.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2002).Identification, cultivation and export of important medicinal plants. In Proc. National Seminar on Horticulture Development in Chhattisgarh: Vision and Vistas. Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur (India) 21-23 Jan. 2002:78-85.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Internet: A rich source of information of conservation, identification, cultivation and marketing of different mushroom species. In: Proc. National Seminar on Role of Antimicrobials for Sustainable Horticulture, IGAU, Raipur, India 20Jn.2002:105.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Etymology of certain weeds.Agric.Sci.Digest.21 (4):229-231.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Medicinal weeds in banana Orchards: A boon for small farmers of Chhattisgarh (India).Agric.Sci.Digest.21 (4):267-268.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Common rice weeds used for first aid by Chhattisgarh farmers.Agric.Sci.Digest.21 (4):273-274.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Germination and seedling vigour of wheat as affected by allelopathy of some obnoxious weed.Agric.Sci.Digest.21 (4):275-276.

Das, G.K. and Oudhia, P. (2001).Rice as medicinal plant in Chhattisgarh (India):A survey.Agric.Sci.Digest.21(3):204-205.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (2002).Prospects of cultivation of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh, India. Vol.5 - Crop Improvement, Production Technology, Trade and Commerce. SCI TECH PUB. USA, 211-236 pp.

Oudhia, P., Pal, A.R. and Pali, G.P.(2002).Traditional medicinal knowledge about common crop weeds in Bagbahera (India) region :A survey .Agric. Sci. Digest. 22(1):53-54.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Allelopathic effects of leachates and extracts of different parts of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination and seedling vigour of selected crops. Ecol. Env. and Cons. 7(4):427-434.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Cultivation of Mucuna for medicinal uses in India. Mucuna News 5:6.

Oudhia, P.(2000).Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination of soybean. Indian J. Plant Physiology.5 (3):295-296.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Traditional medicinal knowledge about Fireflies, Photuris sp. (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in Chhattisgarh (India). Insect Environment, Vol.8 (1):25

Oudhia, P. (2002).Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about Chickpea in India with special reference to Chhattisgarh. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter (ICPN).9:32-34.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Rice-Acorus intercropping: A new system developed by innovative farmers of Chhattisgarh (India).International Rice Research Notes (IRRN).27(1):56.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Traditional medicinal knowledge about Red Ant Oecophylla smaragdina (Fab.) [Hymenoptera: Formicidae] in Chattisgarh, India. Insect Environment.8 (3):114-115.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Traditional medicinal knowledge about common insects and mites in India. Eco. Env and Consv.8 (4):339-340.

List of publication II. Conference Papers

Tripathi, R.S., Tuteja, S.S. and Oudhia, P. (2001) Prospects of cultivation of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.34.

Lal, Banwari and Oudhia, P. (2001) Beneficial effects of phytochemicals on food-fodder-MPTS Production Systems. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. p.43.

Sarawgi, S.K. and Oudhia, P. (2001) Monitoring of Boron effect on germination of Rice cv. Mahamaya. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. p.47.

Oudhia, P. (2001) First record of Orange banded blister beetle Zonabris pustulata Thumb. (Coleoptera: Meloidae) on Safed Moosli (Chlorophytum borivilianum L.) In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.73.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Phyllotreta crucifera Goeze; A new pest of medicinal crop Lepidium sativum L. in Chhattisgarh (India). In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.74.

Das, G.K. and Oudhia, P. (2001) Rice as medicinal plant in Chhattisgarh (India): A survey. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.92.

Tiwari, Vandana & Oudhia, P. (2001) Major diseases of medicinal and aromatic crops of Chhattisgarh (India) and its organic treatments. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. p_98.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Useful weeds in rice fields and bunds: A boon for Indian farmers. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.131.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Traditional medicinal knowledge about on obnoxious weed Jal Kumbhi (Eichhornia crassipes) in Chhattisgarh (India). In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.132.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Common rice weeds used for first aid by Chhattisgarh farmers. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.133.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Weeds mentioned in holy Ramayana. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.134.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Medicinal weeds in banana fields: A boon for small farmers of Chhattisgarh (India). In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.134

Oudhia, P. (2001) Traditional medicinal knowledge about common crop weeds in Bagbahera (India) region: A survey. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. P.134-135.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Improved cultivation practices for medicinal crops: Glimpses of research at farmer’s fields in Chhattisgarh (India). In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001. _p.44

Oudhia, P. and Tiwari, J.P. (2001) Marketing of Indian medicinal and aromatic crops: Expectations of International Buyers. In Abstract National Seminar on Commercial Cultivation Processing and Marketing of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Department of Plant Physiology, JNKVV, Jabalpur (India), November 27-29, 2001. In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar of Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001.

Oudhia, P. (2001) Beneficial effects of green spray on saponin content and growth of wonder crop Safed Moosli (Chlorophytum borivilianum L.) In Souvenir cum Abstracts. National Research Seminar on Herbal Conservation, Cultivation, Marketing and Utilization with Special Emphasis on Chhattisgarh, ‘The Herbal State’. Srishti Herbal Academy and Research Institute (SHARI) and Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce (Trading & Dev.) Co-operative Federation Ltd., Raipur (India), 13-14 December, 2001.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1996) Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides L. on paddy. International Symposium on Rainfed Rice for Sustainable Food Security, CRRI, Cuttack, 23-25 Sep.p 95.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Allelopathic effect of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on kodo, mustard and problematic weeds. First International Conference on Parthenium Management, UAS, Dharwad, 6-8 Oct.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Germination and seedling vigour of rice var. Mahamaya as affected by allelopathy of Blumea lacera L. International Symposium on Rainfed Rice Production Strategy for Twenty First Century , AAU, Jorhat 25-27 Novem. p 44.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S. S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998).Allelopathic effect of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. on wheat. III International Congress on Allelopathy in Ecological Agriculture and Forestry, UAS, Dharwad 18-21 Aug. p 151.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S. S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998). Negative (stimulatory) allelopathy of Lantana camara L. on linseed var. Kiran. International Symposium on Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development and Productivity held at R. D. U., Jabalpur 14-16 Novem.p 64.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1999). Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara and Ageratum conyzoides on germination and seedling vigour of wheat and problematic rabi weeds. In Abstract : Second World Congress on Allelopathy, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada 9-13 Aug. 1999 : 42.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S. S. and Tripathi, R.S.(1998). Stimulatory allelopathy of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. on germination and seedling vigour of Linseed. First International Agronomy Congress on Agronomy, Environment and Food Security for 21st Century, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi 23-27 Novem. p 27.

Oudhia, P., Tripathi, R.S. and Ganguli, R.N. (1999). Bio-weeding potential of Blumea leaf beetle. XIVth International Plant Protection Congress (IIPC), Jerusalem July 25-30, 1999.

Oudhia, Pankaj (1994). Weed survey in Ambikapur region Symposium on 'Sustainable Crop Production in M.P. organized by Raipur chapter, Indian society of Agronomy and I.G.A.U., Raipur, 23 - 24 Dec. p 62.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997) Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on wheat. Seventh Biennial conference of Indian Society of Weed Science, PAU, Ludhiana, 19-21 Feb. p 171.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997): Medicinal weeds of Raipur and Durg (Madhya Pradesh) region. National Conference on Health Care and Development of Herbal Medicines, IGAU, Raipur 29-30 Aug. p 28.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1997): Scope of cultivation of important medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh plains. National Conference on Health Care and Development of Herbal Medicines IGAU, Raipur 29-30 Aug. p 43.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998) Allelopathic effect of Datura stramonium L. on Rice var. Mahamaya. National Seminar on Rice Research for 21st Century - Challenges, Priorities and Strategies CRRI, Cuttack 5-7 Feb. p 10.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R. S. (1998) Medicinal weeds of kharif crops in the plains of Chhattisgarh. V National Science Conference, Agriculture College, Gwalior (India) 8-10 Jan. p 44.

Oudhia, P., Joshi, B. S. and Kosta, V. K. (1998) The possibilities of preparing Homoeopathic drugs from the obnoxious weeds of Chhattisgarh. V National Science Conference, Agriculture College, Gwalior (India) 8-10 Jan. p 44.

Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S.S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998) Germination and seedling vigour of chickpea as affected by allelopathy of Ageratum conyzoides L. National Symposium on Management of Biotic and Abiotic stresses in Pulse Crops held at IIPR, Kanpur 26-28 June.

Oudhia, P. (1998) Allelopathic potential of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. Young Scientist Conference (National Science Day), R.S.U., Raipur 28 Feb. p 7-8.

Oudhia, P. (1998). Parthenium: A curse for the bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh plains. National Research Seminar on Bio-chemical Changes-An Impact on Environment, R.D. Govt. P. G. College, Mandla. 30-31 July. p 26.

Oudhia, P. and Ganguli, R. N. (1999) Chrysolina madrassae: A potential bio-control agent for Blumea lacera. VIII Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Weed Science held at BHU, Varanasi 5-7 Feb. p 134.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R. S. (1999) Medicinal weeds: A boon for the farmers of Chhattisgarh. VIII Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Weed Science held at BHU, Varanasi 5-7 Feb. p 152.

Pandey, N., Oudhia, P., Kolhe, S. S. and Tripathi, R.S. (1999). Identification of weed flora of paddy fields and bunds in Raipur (Chhattisgarh) region of India. VIII Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Weed Science held at BHU, Varanasi 5-7 Feb. p 142.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (1998). The possibilities of utilization of medicinal weeds to increase the income of the farmers. National Seminar on Medicinal Plant Resources Development organized by Gujarat Government and AADAR held at Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad, 4-5 Oct. p 3.

Oudhia, Pankaj (1998). Harmony with Nature. All India Conference on Science and Engineering for Holistic Development & Meditation Retreat at Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan, Talheti Abu road, 23-26 Oct. (Attended as the Guest of Honour). p 2.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R. S. (2000). Allelopathic effects of Beshram (Ipomoea carnea) on germination and seedling vigour of chickpea. VI National Science Conference, Mahatma Gandhi Gramodaya Chitrakut Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakut (India): 18

Oudhia, P. and Joshi, B.S. (2000). The decreasing availability of natural medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh: A study. VI National Science Conference, Mahatma Gandhi Gramodaya Chitrakut Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakut (India): 18

Oudhia, P., Tripathi, R.S. and Katiyar, P. (1999). Weed management through Green Allelochemicals: An eco-friendly approach towards sustainable agriculture. National Seminar on Chemistry of Environmental Pollution with Special Emphasis on Pesticides organized by Dept. of Chemistry, Govt. DB Girls P.G.College, Raipur (M.P.) 28-29 Jan. p 22.

Banwari Lal and Oudhia, P. (1999), Stimulatory allelopathy: I. Crop Production. VIII Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Weed Science held at BHU, Varanasi 5-7 Feb. p 149.

Oudhia, P., (1999). The possibilities of utilizing beneficial effects of Indian classical music for crop production with special reference to Chhattisgarh: A Review. National Seminar. on Music, Kamla Devi Sangeet Mahavidyalaya, Raipur, 12-14 March. p 5.

Oudhia, P., (1999). Application of Homoeopathic and Biochemic drugs in crop production: A Review. National Seminar on Homoeopathy, Indian Homoeopathic Organization, Homoeopathic College, Raipur, 27-28 Feb. p 3.

Vyas, S. and Oudhia, P. (1999). Parthenium hysterophorus L.: A potential threat to the public health, crop productivity and bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh. National Seminar on Geography. With Special Emphasis on Environment, Durga College, Raipur, 6-7 Mar. p 3.

Oudhia ,P., Tripathi, R.S. and Pandey, N.(2000).Germination and seedling vigour of hybrid rice as affected by stimulatory allelopathy of Ipomoea carnea Jacq. International Conference on Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production in 21st Century ,Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi ,Feb. 14-18 : 1272-1273.

Oudhia ,P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Chhattisgarh farmer's response on use of sprinkler irrigation for crop production .International Conference on Micro and Sprinkler Irrigation Systems , Jalgaon (India )Feb.8-10

Oudhia P. (1999) Harmful effects of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. on the economical development of Chhattisgarh farmers: A study. First Biennial Conference of Ecological Economics Society, Bangalore, 20-22 Dec. 1999.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R. S., Pandey N. and Thakur M. P. (1999). Beneficial effects of Biochemic drug Natrum Mur on germination and seedling vigour of rice. National Seminar on Institute/Industry Co-Operation Programme for Developing Skills in Students of Seed Technology, Govt. Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal (India) 20-21 Nov. : 89-90.

Oudhia P. and Tripathi R.S. (1999). Allelopathic research on rice seeds in Chhattisgarh (India) region: An Overview. National Seminar on Institute/Industry Co-Operation Programme for Developing Skills in Students of Seed Technology, Govt. Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal (India) 20-21 Nov. 88-89.

Oudhia, P., Tripathi, R.S. and Katiyar, P. (1999). Germination and seedling vigour of chickpea as affected by allelopathy of Lantana camara L. In Abstract: National Seminar on Plant Physiology at Interface of Agri-Horticulture and Industry, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Udaipur (Rajasthan), 30 Dec. - 1 Jan.: 157-158.

Oudhia, P. and Pal, A.R. (2000). Rainy season medicinal weed flora in wastelands of Chamra nallah watershed area, Bagbahera (India). Asian Seminar on Indigenous System of Medicine, Bhartiya Chikitsa Aevam Shodh Sansthan, Rajgir, Nalanda (India) 5-7 Feb.

Oudhia, P., Jain, B.C. and Tripathi R.S. (1999). Problem perceived by rural youths of Chhattisgarh working in nearby cities: A study. 59th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, JNKVV, Jabalpur (India). 1-3 Dec.: 434-435.

Oudhia, P. Tripathi, R.S. Chandel, D.S. and Bajpai, R.K. (2000). Medicinal weed flora in Sesamum (Sesamum indicum), fields of Chhattisgarh (India): A potential source of an additional income for small farmers. In: Abstract. New Millennium Seminar on Medicinal Plants Cultivation : Problems, Packages, Practices and Marketing, Centre for Biodiversity and Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College, Tirunelveli (India) 3-5 Feb. 2000 : 22-23.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S. (2000). Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on kodomillet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.): Research underway at the Department of Agronomy, IGAU, Raipur (M.P.). In: Abstract. National Seminar on Bio-diversity Conservation, Management and Utilization for Sustainable Development, JNKVV, Jabalpur (India) 19-20 April. 2000: 73-74.

Oudhia, P. (2000). Medicinal weeds in linseed fields of Chhattisgarh (India): A survey. In: Abstract National Seminar on Bio-diversity Conservation, Management and Utilization for Sustainable Development, JNKVV, Jabalpur (India) 19-20 April. 2000: 118-119.

Oudhia, P. (2000). Beneficial effects of Schussler’s tissue remedies on germination and seedling vigour of rice. In: abstract National Seminar on Bio-diversity Conservation, Management and Utilization for Sustainable Development, JNKVV, Jabalpur (India) 19-20 April. 2000: 73.

Gupta, A., Thakur M.P., Oudhia, P. and Shukla C.S. (2000). Beneficial effects of different concentrations of Homoeopathic drug Achyranthes aspera on growth of Oyster Mushroom. VI National Science Conference, Mahatma Gandhi Gramodaya Chitrakut Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakut (India).

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Utilization of medicinal weeds to increase the income of the poor farmers. In: Souvenir-cum-abstract, National Seminar on the Frontiers of Research and Development in Medicinal Plants, Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants(CIMAP),September 16-18,2000p.82.

Oudhia, P. (2000).Problems perceived by Safed Moosli Chlorophytum borivilianum growers of Chattisgarh region in India. In: Souvenir-cum-abstract, National Seminar on the Frontiers of Research and Development in Medicinal Plants, Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants(CIMAP),September 16-18,2000 p.22.

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2000).Medicinal weeds in Kharif crops of Chattisgarh : Research underway at Department of Agronomy, IGAU, Raipur(India).In: Abstract. National Seminar on Ethnobiology and Conservation of Cultural and Biological Diversity, Govt. New Science College, Rewa, (M.P.):20.

Gupta, A., Thakur, M.P. and Oudhia, P.(2000).Beneficial effects of different concentrations of some Homoeopathic drugs prepared from medicinal plants on the growth of oyster mushroom Pleurotus columbinus under in vitro condition..In: Souvenir -cum-abstract, National Seminar on the Frontiers of Research and Development in Medicinal Plants, Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants(CIMAP),September 16-18,2000 p.26.

Oudhia, P. (2001) My experiences with world's top ten Indian medicinal plants :Glimpses of research at farmer's fields in Chhattisgarh(India). In: Abstract. Workshop -cum-seminar on Sustainable Agriculture for 21st Century. Indira Gandhi Agriculture University, Raipur(India),20-21 Jan.:46

Oudhia, P. and Tripathi, R.S.(2001)The possibilities of commercial cultivation of rare medicinal plants in Chattisgarh (India). VII National Science Conference, Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Samitee, Directorate of Cropping System Research, Meerut, India, 12-14 April.

Tripathi, R. R., Tripathi, R.S. and Oudhia, P. (2001).Productivity of different medicinal crops in Agroclimatic conditions of Bastar(India).VII National Science Conference, Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Samitee, Directorate of Cropping System Research,Meerut,India,12-14 April.

Oudhia, P. (2001).Medicinal insects of Kharif crops and weeds of Chhattisgarh (India).VII National Science Conference, Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Samitee, Directorate of Cropping System Research, Meerut, India, 12-14 April.

Gupta, A., Thakur, M. P. and Oudhia, P. (2001).Effect of different concentrations of selected Homoeopathic drugs ,prepared from obnoxious weeds on radial growth of mushroom (Pleurotus florida).VII National Science Conference, Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Samitee, Directorate of Cropping System Research,Meerut,India,12-14 April.

Oudhia, P. (2001).International Parthenium Research News Group-World's first news group on obnoxious weed. In: Abstract. Biennial Conference of Eco-friendly Weed Management Options for Future Sustainable Agriculture, UAS, Bangalore, India, 23-24 May, 2001.

Oudhia, P., Dubey, O. P. and Tiwari, U.K. (2001).Present status and future prospects of cultivation and marketing of medicinal and aromatic crops: The Indian and International scenario. National Workshop on Conservation and cultivation of Medicinal and aromatic Plants, Centre for Forestry Research and Human Resources Development, Chhindwara (India), Dec.26-27, 2001.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Allelopathic potential of useful weed Calotropis gigantea R.Br: A review. In: Abstracts. Third World Congress on Allelopathy: Challenges for the New Millennium, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES), Tsukuba, Japan, Aug.26-30,2002:179.

Oudhia, P. (2002).Positive and negative allelopathic effects of different parts of leachates and extracts of different parts of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination and seedling vigour of selected crops. In: Abstracts. Third World Congress on Allelopathy: Challenges for the New Millennium, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES), Tsukuba, Japan, Aug.26-30,2002:130.

Oudhia, P. (2003).Cultivation and Marketing of Medicinal plants. Presented at Workshop on Prospects of Medicinal Plant in Kalahandi District organized by Kalahandi Medicinal Plant Grower's Association, Bhawanipatna, India.Dec.13-14, 2003.

Some Popular Science Articles published between 1994-2000.

Allelopathy : Jaivik kheti ka ek sashakt aujar (Allelopathy : A promising tool of organic farming)
Dushman ka Dushman Zygogramma (Enemy’s enemy Zygogramma)
Gajar ghas ke aushadhi gun (Medicinal properties of Gajarghas)
Krishi Ke paramparik gyan ka sammrakchan : Samay ki auskta (Conservation of traditional knowledge about Agriculture : A need of the day).
Kharpatwar : Kisano ke liye vardan (Weeds : A boon for the farmers)
Aushadhi paudho ki vyavsaic kheti kitni labhdayak (How much profitable is the commercial cultivation of medicinal plants).
Terminator Gene : Bhartiya Jav-vividhata ke liye khatra (Terminator Gene : A danger for biodiversity of India)
Sarp vish chikitsa main upyogi kharpatwar (Useful weeds in the treatment of snake poison.)
Krishi vaniki : Deshi vrikchon ko protsahan avashyak (Agroforestry : Promotion of indigenous trees is necessary.)
Rice allelopathy (Rice Allelopathy)
Khesari Dal : Kya sachmuch nuksandayak ? (Lathyrus : Is really harmful? )
Bach flower remedies (Bach flower remedies).
Tantra kriya main prayog hone vale kharpatwar (Weeds used in Tantra Kriya)
Soil solarization : Kharpatwar niyantran ki anoothi vidhi (Soil solarization : An unique method for weed control)
Neem (Neem)
Gajar ghas Prashnutarri (Gajar ghas:Answers of your questions.)
Jara sonche ham kya kha rahe hain ? (Just think what we are eating?)
Neem Hakimo ki Badhti sankhyan : Kaun doshi ? (Increasing number of quacks : Who is responsible?)
Bharat ki bhoomi ko barbad kar rahe hain videshi mool ke kharpatwar (Exotic weeds are damaging the Indian soils.)
Satyanashi : Kya sachmuch nuksandayak hai ? (Satyanashi (Argemone) : Is really harmful?.)
Homoeopathy : Aapke sawalon ke jawab (Homoeopathy : Answers of your questions)
Chhattisgarh Ki mati Jadi-butio ki kheti ke liye upyukt. (The soil of Chhattisgarh is suitable for cultivation of herbs.)
Bastar Ki vanoshadhi ka anuchit dohan : Aakhir kab tak (Improper and uncontrolled exploitation of medicinal plants of Bastar : How long?)
Kapas ke aushadhi gun (Medicinal properties of Cotton).
Mat lijiye Homoeopathic davayan bina chikitsiya pramarsh ke (Donot take Homoeopathic drugs without doctor’s guidance )
Sangeet ka paudho per prabhav (Effect of music on plants).
Keton ke aushadhi gun. (Medicinal properties of insects.)
Rabi ke aushadhi kharpatwar. (Medicinal weeds of rabi).
Bans ugayen : Labh kamayen (Grow bamboo : Earn lakhs).
Kisano ne khoji unnat tacanik (Advanced technology developed by farmers)
Ginseng : Jadui aushadhi paudha (Ginseng : A miracle medicinal plant).
Kya Dhan ki kheti paryavaran ke liye sach much nuksandayak hai ? (Is rice cultivation is really harmful to environment ?)
Sheetkalin phaslon ke aushadhi gun (Medicinal properties of winter crops)
Chhattisgarh main Jadi-bution ki kheti ki sambhavnayain (Possibilities of cultivation of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh).
Neem adharit keetnashak : Kitne prabhavi (Neem based insecticides : Is really effective.)
Jadi-bution ki kheti kitni uchit kitni unuchit ? (Cultivation whether cultivation of medicinal plants is justified or not ?
Ghas kul ke aushadhi kharputwar. (Medicinal weeds of grass family.)
Nagarmotha : Ek upyogi kharpatwar. (Nagarmotha [Cyperus]: An useful weed.).
Kya aapke khet main Xanthium hai ? (Have you Xanthium in your field ?)
Charota : Ek upyogi kharpatwar (Charota (Cassia tora) : An useful weed.)
Jadi-bution ke paramparik gyan ka samrackchan : Samay ki aushakta. (Conservation of traditional knowledge about medicinal plants : A need of the day.)
Satyanashi, Satyanashi nahi hai (Satyanashi is not Satyanashi).
Kharpatwaro main badhti pratirodhakta : Kaun jimmedar ? (Who is responsible for increasing resistance in weeds ?)
Tulsi ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of Tulsi.)
Jaivik kheti kitni upyukt ? (Organic farming : How much effective ? )
Kukronda : Ek upyogi kharpatwar. (Kukronda : An useful weed).
Kahi bahurastriya kampaniyo ke hatho bik to nahi rahen hai hamare krishi vyganik ? (Whether our agriculture scientists are playing in the hands of multinational companies ?
Sal borer. (Sal borer).
Blister beetle. (Blister beetle.).
Kyon phaill rahi hai Gajar ghas itni teji se ? (Why Gajar ghas is spreading very rapidly?)
Kisano ke mitra hain Rani kide. (Rani keeds : A friend of farmers)
Safed moosli ki kheti : Kuch adharbhoot jankariyan (Cultivation of Safed moosli : Some basic informations)
Aushadhi aevam sagandh paudho ki vyavsaik kheti : Kuch adharbhoot jankari yon. (Commercial cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants : some basic informations )
Sanai ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of Senna.)
Aushadhi paudho ki kheti ke liye sahi bhumi ka chunav. (Selection of land for cultivation of medicinal plants.)
Ghikuar ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of Aloe.)
Kya Safed moosli ko bhartiya vano se vilupt hone se bachaya ja sakega ? (Can we save an endangered medicinal plant Safed moosli from Indian forests ?)
Sadasuhagan ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of Catharanthus)
Jadi-bution ki vyavsaik kheti ke liya prasikchan kahan se Le ? (Training centers for commercial cultivation of medicinal plants.)
Jabi-bution ke sanrakchan aevam samvardhav ke bhartiya prayas (Indian efforts toward conservation and promotion of medicinal plants.)
Jadi-botion ke prashikchan ke nam per kahin aap lutne to nahi ja rahe hain ? (Whether you are being cheated in the name of training of commercial cultivation of medicinal plants.)
Aushadhi paudhe aevam unke vipnan sambandhi jankuriyon ka anupam shrot hai internet ? (Internet : An Unique source of information related to medicinal plants and its marketing).
Bach ke aushadhi gun. (Medicinal properties of Acorus).
Savdhan ! Ghatak gene yukt phaslen bharat main aa chuciki hain. (Be aware ! crops with lethal genes have reached India.)
Safed moosli : Kheti se pahle bazar sunischit kare. (Safed moosli : Ensure market before cultivation.)
Dhan bhi hai ek aushadhi paudha (Rice is also a medicinal plant.)
Queenland’s asthama weed Duddhi : Ek upyogi kharpatwar (Queensland asthama weed Duddhi : An useful weed.)
Jalkumbhi : Ek ghatak kharpatwar (Water hyacinth : An obnoxious weed.)
Dharti ko saf-suthara rakhte hain Gubraile (Dung beetle)
Upyogi kharpatwar Adusa : Kisano ki atirikt aiy ka sadhan. (An useful weed Adusa : An additional source of income for farmers.)
Internet main mushroom. (Mushroom in Internet.)
Thookne vala keeda spittle bug. (Spittle bug : A bug that spits.)
Patua ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of Hibiscus sabdariffa.)
Roshni utsargit karne vale anokhe jeev. (Light emitting wonderful organisms.)
Aushadhi paudho se judi rochak kayaniyan. (Interesting stories associated with medicinal plants.)
Aushadhi poudhe kasturi bhendi ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of medicinal plant kasturi bhendi.)
Aap kaun sa keeda khana pasand karenge ? (Which insect would you like to eat ? ).
Ghatak kharpatwar Gajar ghas se khad banana kitna uchit? (It is beneficial to utilize an obnoxious weed Parthenium for preparing manure ? )
Ghatak kharpatwaro ka dushman hai Tortoise beetle. (Tortoise beetle : An enemy of obnoxious weeds)
Kya jadi-butian sachmuch badha sakti hain aapki mardana shakti ko ? (Can herbs really increase your sexual power?.)
Sukha sahan karne vali aushadhi phasel Jatropha. (Draught tolerant medicinal crop Jatropha).
Upyogi kharpatwar Dhatura : Kuch rochak tathya. (Useful weed Datura : Some interesting facts.)
Internet main gahun. (Wheat in Internet.)
Internet main makka. (Maize in Internet.)
Internet main dhan. (Rice in Internet)
Bharat main kharpatwar : Videsho main aushadhi phasel Ageratum. (Weed in India and medicinal plant in foreign : Ageratum).
Kaise raksha karte hain paudhe, apni shatruo se. (How plants defend themstres from enemies.)
Kahi aap paragkano se hone vali allergy ke shikar to nahi ? (Are you a sufferer of pollen allergy?)
Upyogi bhi hai Jalkumbhi (Water hyacinth is also useful).
Aushadhi paudho ki vyavsaik kheti ke liye planting material ka chunav (Selection of planting material for commercial cultivation of medicinal plants.)
Aushadhi phasel Chandrashoor : kuch nai va rochak jankarian. (Medicinal crop Chandrashoor : Some new and interesting informations.)
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vrikcha : Arjun (Useful trees in our vicinity : Arjun).
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Neem. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Neem.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Kamhar. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Kamhar.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Khejri. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Khejri.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Bakain. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Bakain.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Dhak. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Dhak.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Popular. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Popular.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Karanj. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Karanj.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Imli. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Imli.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Shahtoot. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Shahtoot.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Guggal. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Guggal.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Kutaj. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Kutaj.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Babool. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Babool.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Kachnar. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Kachnar.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Amaltas. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Amaltas.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Amla. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Amla.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Munga. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Munga.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Bahera. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Bahera.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Bel. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Bel.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi vrikcha : Pipal. (Useful trees in our vicinity : Pipal.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Lantana.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Lantana)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Blumea.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Blumea.)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Leonotis.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Leonotis)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Echinocloa.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Echinocloa)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Oxalis (Useful weeds in our vicinity:Oxalis)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Amaranthus.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Amaranthus)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Achyranthes.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Achyranthes)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Ageratum.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Ageratuim).
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Tephrosia.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Tephrosia)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Cassia tora.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Cassia tora)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Tribulus(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Tribulus)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Cynodon.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Cynodon)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Cyperus.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Cyperus)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Alhagi.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Alhagi)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Datura.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Datura)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Calotropis(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Calotropis)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Ipomoea.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Ipomoea)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Phaseolus.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Phaseolus)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Echinops.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Echinops)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Crotolaria.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Crotolaria)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Dactyloctenium.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Dactloctenium)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Croton.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Croton)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Euphorbia.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Euphorbia)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Chenopodium.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Chenopodium)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Spilanthus.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Spilanthus)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Melilotus.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Melilotus)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Phalaris.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Phalaris)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Sphaeranthus.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Sphaeranthus)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Medicaga.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Medicago)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Leucas.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Leucas)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Ocimum.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Ocimum)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Vicoa.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Vicoa)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Cuscuta(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Cuscuta)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Xanthium.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Xanthium)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Paspalidium.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Paspalidium)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Panicum.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Panicum)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Boerhhavia.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Boerhhavia)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Ischaemum.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Ischaemum)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Tridax.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Tridax)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Cucumis.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Cucumis)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Cichorium.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Cichorium)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Eclipta.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Eclipta)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Kyllinga.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Kyllinga)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Vernonia.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Vernonia)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Aeschynomene.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Aeschynomene)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Vicia.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Vicia)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Eicchornia.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Eicchornia)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Typha(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Typha)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Setaria.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Setaria)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Sida.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Sida)
Hamare aas-pas ke upyogi kharpatwar: Corchorus.(Useful weeds in our vicinity:Corchorus) 

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