Q. I read your article about Bramhi in Botanical.com. I would like to do DNA fingerprinting to assess the genetic diversity found in Bramhi. My aim is to develop molecular methodologies to identify accessions with superior qualities for use in the herbal industry.

Q. I read your article about Bramhi in Botanical.com. I would like to do DNA
fingerprinting to assess the genetic diversity found in Bramhi. My aim is to develop molecular methodologies to identify accessions with superior qualities for use in the herbal industry.

I am not working on this aspect but I can help you in search on researchers working on this and related aspect. But let me know the purpose of information. If you are student or researcher and requiring this information for your project or research work then please send recommendation letter from your project guide or supervisor with details about you, your project and purpose of information at my home address i.e. 28-A, Geeta Nagar, 
Raipur-492001, India. After receiving this letter I will try to guide you. If you are requiring this information for commercial purpose then send details about your company and information needed, so that I can suggest my consultation charges.

For your queries on Indian Medicinal and Aromatic crops you can write to Pankaj Oudhia at pankajoudhia@gmail.com  Please write "Consultation" as subject.


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